1- Seoul

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Jimin stopped in front of a dark wooden door with a simple metal number 28 on it and knocked on the door

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Jimin stopped in front of a dark wooden door with a simple metal number 28 on it and knocked on the door. He heard a small dog barking inside and someone running towards the door.
"Jiminie!" He heard a happy scream as soon as the door bursted open. Jimin was immediately pulled into a tight hug of a tall, handsome boy with grey hair, who opened the door.
As soon as the boy let go of Jimin, he laughed. "I missed you too, Tae."
Taehyungs dog happily jumped around the new guest, and Jimin leaned down to pet him. "Yes, yes, I love you too, Yeontan."
Tae hung Jimin's jacket and leaded him into the apartment. "Ahh, Chim chim, I'm so excited that you finally moved to Seoul! This is going to be so much fun! When is the rest of your stuff going to arrive?" Taehyung took Jimin's basket and put it on a bed in the empty bedroom. The guest smiled. "I'm very excited too. My things should be here by tomorrow's evening."
Jimin had finally moved to Seoul from Busan. He wanted to have a fresh new start, leave all the bad memories behind, find a job here and settle down. Taehyung was his best friend, and he suggest that Jimin stayed with him for a while, at least at first, for a few months, until the boy found a good job and rented an apartment of his own.
"You have a really nice place." Jimin complimented his friend as he looked around. No wonder why the flat was pretty fancy- Tae was an actor. A successful movie and k-drama star.
"How's work? Are you acting in any new shows?"
Taehyung smiled. He loved his job.
"Yeah, I'm staring in a new k-drama, you might have heard of it, it's called... ah, shit!!"
"Wait, what? Is it really called like that?" Jimin was confused.
Tae quickly ran to the table and grabbed his phone. He started dialing a number. "No, I forgot to call my boss, sorry chim, I have to talk to him for a few minutes. Could you do me a favor and water the plants in the balcony?"
Jimin smiled. "Yeah, sure, no worries, take your time." He went to the kitchen and started pouring water into a cup.
"Thank you! I'm very sorry for being busy. I promise, tonight will be amazing!" Tae said to him before going to his bedroom and calling his boss.
Oh, right, tonight. Taehyung was taking Jimin to a bar for him to meet his friends and a boy that he seemed to really like. Jimin was very tired after the trip- he looked tired as well, he had dark circles around his eyes and his light, blonde hair just did not want to stay right- but Tae was his friend, so chim chim wanted to meet his friends and his crush. Jimin put in an earphone in his right ear and pressed play on Spotify before going to the balcony. Of course, that evil app has a mind of it's own, so the song that started playing was an annoying pop hit. Jimin sighed, took the water and went to the balcony quietly singing along with the song. He started pouring water onto the yellow flowers.
"Hey, it's nice to see that at least someone is a good mood today, but I have to perform in less than six hours and I'm really hungover, so I'd appreciate if you sang to Tae's flowers later."
Jimin blushed, immediately stopped singing and turned to see who spoke so rudely to him. It was a handsome dark haired boy, who looked a bit older that Jimin, standing in the balcony, which was on the left of Taehyung's apartment's balcony. The boy was casually standing there and lighting up a cigarette.


I hope you enjoyed the first part of this FF! Leave a comment and like~ If you have any suggestions or thoughts, DM me or just comment here :)

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