3- the open mic night

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They stopped in front of the bar's door. Above them, there was a sign made from little lights, it said "the neon bar", and there was a smaller sign next to it, a simple cardboard with one sentence written on it with simple black letters: "come on in, it's a actually a pretty good bar, don't be shy, we don't bite." Jimin didn't really understand if it was an inside joke or some sort of advertisement, but judging from all the noise and the amount of people that it had to make such loud noises, he guessed the place didn't really need any advertisement.

Jimin noticed a flyer pinned to the door and announcing that every Saturday there are "open mic evenings" held inside.

He turned to Taehyung. "Open mic nights? What's that?"

Tae just smiled. "We'll, tonight you'll see it for yourself. It's a great way for new artists to start performing and get fans, or just have fun on stage. Now come on, let's go, Namjoon's probaly already waiting. I hope he saved a table for us."

Taehyung opened the door and walked into the bar. Jimin had no idea who this Namjoon guy was, but he followed Tae. It was a pretty big bar, and it was loaded with a ton of people standing there, drinking and chatting. Jimin and Taehyung struggled a lot trying to move forward. When they actually managed to do that, Jimin realised they had stopped near a stage with a few tables around it.

Taehyung leaded him to one of the tables and smiled to the tall man with brown hair who was already sitting there.

"Namjoon! Ahh, I'm so glad we're not late! This is Jimin, my best friend, who just moved here from Busan, I told you about him. Jimin, this is Namjoon, my good friend and the owner of this bar," Taehyung introduced them to each other.

"It's nice to meet you," Jimin smiled to Namjoon.

"Nice to finally meet you too, Jimin!" Namjoon responded and pointed at the empty seats. "Sit down you two. The show's about to start and our boys are performing first. I can't wait to see the look on other's faces when they hear with what name Jin signed up the band for tonight."

Namjoon ran up to the stage, grabbed the microphone and finally announced the beginning of the "open mic evening". After everyone stopped cheering, he read out the first band that was going to perform tonight. "We'll start with people that you all know and love, but they still haven't thought of their band name, so tonight my lovely boyfriend Jin signed them up as... Everyone, give it up for "Ahh, apple pies are delicious"!"

The crowd laughed and cheered, everyone seemed to be big fans of them.

Taehyung giggled. "Yoongi for sure won't be happy about that silly band name, so you better get ready to try to save your boyfriends ass," he told Namjoon, who came back and sat down with them to watch the show. Namjoon laughed and replied something to Taehyung, but Jimin wasn't listnening, because his attention was caught by something else. Four boys got up on stage, ready to perform. It took Jimin a moment to realise, that one of them was the boy from the balcony. His heart jumped a little and he blushed for some reason, when Yoongi noticed Jimin and gave him a slight smile.


""Ahh, apple pies are delicious"?! Seriously, Jin?", Yoongi smacked the older boy's head.

"Hey, respect your elders, you little brat!", Jin replied, glaring at Yoongi.

"I don't know, apple pies really are delicious, I don't see, why is it such a bad band name," Hoseok giggled, seeing how pissed Yoongi was.

"Exactly, thank you," Jin looked thankfully at the younger rapper.

"Guys, can you please argue about your stupid pies later? Let's get on stage," Jungkook glared at the other three.

When they finally got on stage, Yoongi took one of the microphones and looked at the crowd of people, who were waiting for them to start. He really did love performing. He loved the fact that people enjoyed his music and respected him for his work. Yoongi looked at people, scanned the crowd as he always did before performing, when his eyes saw someone familiar sitting with Namjoon and Taehyung.

It was the flower boy from this morning- or, well, err, afternoon. Jimin, sitting there all shy and cute with that red sweater, which was a little big for him, seemed to have noticed him as well, so Yoongi gave that cute boy a little smile and felt satisfied when he saw Jimin's face turn the same colour as his sweater.

Yoongi looked back at Jin, Jungkook and Hoseok, nodded his head, showing that they can start.

And then the music started playing.


Gosh, they were good.

Really freaking good.

The two boys, singers, had amazing voices. The rapper, who's name Jimin didn't know, was great, he also danced on stage, making the crowd go even more crazy. And then Yoongi started rapping.

Jimin's jaw almost dropped. This dark haired boy was straight up spitting fire!

When they met earlier, Jimin thought that Yoongi would be a pretty slow, chill rapper, who rapped over a swaggy beat about how much he loves his car, hoes, money or something like that, but gosh. He was really talented.  Yoongi looked like he really loved performing and put his heart and soul into the song. He looked great as well. An annoying thought of how much the girls probably loved him passed through Jimin's mind.

Those four boys sounded amazing. Jimin cheered with the crowd and felt a little sad when the song ended.

Namjoon asked, if Jimin enjoyed the performance, and he just mumbled something similar to "yesthey'regreatilovedit", not really paying attention, because he saw that Yoongi with the other boys just ignored the fans that were waiting after the performance and started walking straight towards Namjoon's, Taehyung's and Jimin's table.



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