5- between the wooden boxes

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The days went by and Jimin got closer with the six

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The days went by and Jimin got closer with the six. Every Friday they'd meet up in one of their houses, play games and chat. All boys easily took Jimin into the group- how could they not? The boy was as sweet and cute as a kitten, everyone loved him and called him nicknames, such as "chim chim", "mochi" and "Jiminie".

More than three weeks have gone by since Jimin's arrival in Seoul, he got used to his job. It's was pretty easy, actually, the job started everyday at 7pm (just not on mondays and fridays, these evenings were free for Jimin) , but people usually started coming to the bar at around 9-10pm, earlier you could only see a few people eating and chatting. The whole job was just bringing food and drinks the customers had ordered, it was non stressful and fun.

October came and the flowers in Tae's balcony died, so Jimin had no excuses to go out there and chat with Yoongi. Still, sometimes the younger could smell someone smoking cigarettes when Yoongi would go outside, and rarely, if Jimin was lucky and if his neighbour's window was open, he could hear the dark haired boy playing the piano late at night. These melodies were the most beautiful sound to the younger. But he was always too shy to knock on Yoongi's door and talk to him, so they only saw each other when they'd accidentally meet in the hallways and when they hung out with the other five.

Back in Busan, Jimin didn't really have many friends, because he was too shy to talk to people, and now he was really happy to have six really close friends, and one of them was even a star in korean music industry! Sure, Jimin didn't talk much to him, but it was simply just because it seemed that Agust D was way too cool for a simple guy from Busan.


It was a normal, kind of boring thursday evening here in Seoul.

A normal, kind of boring thursday evenung, around 8 pm, and Jin was already shouting at Yoongi for trying to light up a cigarette in the bar again.

"Aish, you dumb boy. If you're going to try and kill your lungs, do it outside, i don't want to see or smell that, this place already doesn't smell like roses, it doesn't need your help." Jin yelled at the dark haired boy.

"What do you mean it doesn't smell like roses? Don't you like this bar? I think it smells just fine!" Namjoon frowned at his boyfriend.

"Oh, please..."

Yoongi had no lust to hear the oldest finishing his complains, so he just put on his jacket and scarf and went outside through the backdoors into the bar's back yard, where the workers would store boxes, products and garbage. What Yoongi didn't know, is that there was something- or, actually, someone- else there, not only wooden boxes and tomatoes. The boy discovered that when he tried to light up a cigarette but immediately what he was doing when he heard a quiet sobbing coming from somewhere close.

Yoongi walked towards where the noise was coming from and saw a blonde boy sitting there between two piles of wooden boxes and crying. When he saw the older come, he tried to hide his face in his palms, not to show his sadness.

"Jimin?" Yoongi asked, taking a seat next to the sad boy. "What happened? Is this where you've been all evening, when everyone was looking for you? Are you okay?"

Jimin shook his head and suddenly put his face on Yoongi's shoulder, wrapping his arms around the older's waist. Confused, the older held the younger, trying to calm him down, while Jimin was sobbing and trying to tell his friend what's wrong.

"You're skin is so cold, for how long have you been sitting here?" Yoongi asked, when the blonde boy finished hugging him and crying into his collarbone. The boy was only wearing his uniform- a black shirt with his name tag and black pants-, no jacket or sweater, and his skin was as cold as ice.

"For an hour or so... S-sorry for that, i'll be fine, I-I... I should probably get back to work," Jimin answered, shivering from the cold wind and tears which he was holding in.

Yoongi quietly looked at him for a moment, then took off his scarf and wrapped it around Jimin's neck. "No. wait here, I'll tell Namjoon what happened, grab your jacket and then I'm taking you home and you'll tell me exactly what happened, okay?"

Only Jimin's eyes and blonde hair were seen from the scarf, his little nose and lips were hidden underneath it. It smelled like cigarettes and mint. The boy held in his tears and quietly nodded.

Yoongi ran back inside and came back in a moment, gave the younger his jacket and put Jimin in his car- which of course was black- not saying anything, listening to the boy sob once in a while. Yoongi didn't want to push the boy to speak, seeing in how much pain he was in. After a few minutes they had reached their house and went to Jimin's and Taehyung's apartment door. Jimin tried to put the hey in, but because of the tears his hands, his whole body was shaking and he couldn't even unlock the door. After a few unsuccessful attempts Yoongi took the key from the younger's hands and finally opened the door.

The apartment was in silence and darkness. Taehyung was at Jungkook's again and that means he'll probably only be back in the morning.

Yoongi turned on the lights, seated the crying boy on the couch and went to the kitchen for a few minutes. When he came back, he saw Jimin had already taken his jacket and scarf on and had wrapped himself in a blue blanket, but the tears were still coming out of the poor boy's eyes. Yoongi gave him the cup of hot chocolate he made and watched the boy sipping it and calming down, and only when the tears stopped, Yoongi finally spoke.

" What happened?"



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