ch 4

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ch 4

dad's house

"one of my homes." I corrected her. she laughed. my siblings sat around the room. Eonre- I mean, Lizzy walked up to me. "where is haley, Ally, Luke, and jenny?" she asks. "hang on." says moon putting a ice pack on my head. "give him some time to relax, he got quite a bump." she was right, my head hurt pretty bad. I winced as moon touched the bump. why was I acting so weak? a bump? I've had worse, much worse. yet I was letting moon baby me! "I must have hit you pretty hard." muttered Lizzy. I sat up. big mistake. I blacked out again.


"what did you hit me with!" I yelled as soon as I woke up. "just a metal pole I found." said Lizzy. I began to get up but Moon pushed me back down. And I let her. I don't know about you, but for me, it's weird. and that dream... an angel brurst threw the doors. "hi." she said, just before collapsing.

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