ch 15

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we all sit around a round table. me, Blake, lizzy, Anna, and mark. Jenny, Haley, ally, Rory, Adam, and Brian. Olivia was in a fountain, her blue tail shimmering. I told them all about what I saw. "wait, wait, wait."  said Rory, "where are we?" "heaven." I told him. "so... like, heaven is real, Jesus, god, there real?" "giet." "what?" "giet. in darkest one god, and the word love both translate to the word giet. because god is all the love of the world." "so you have seen him?" I took a deep breath. "darkest ones believe that god is not a person, but a feeling, a feeling that we see in simple acts, a feeling that looks after us. love. that is why giet means both god and love. god is the greatest love." "guys." mark interrupted. "now is not the time for religious debates, this is war, and I have just the army for us."


we walked into a big room. the room was covered in candy and rainbows.

a little girl walked up to me, miss nightmare. she held cases in her arms, five of them. she gave one to each of us. she has the creepiest. smile. weapons, I got a blue whip. Blake got a belt full of throwing knives, he took one out and thew it, a new knife appeared in the empty space. anna, of course got a pretty gold bow with silver arrows. lizzy got a large sword, the hilt wrapped in chains, and mark got swiss army knife, he opened it up, it grew to a button about the size of his hand. he pressed it, a muffin came out the bottom. "I made that one myself." said miss nightmare, "there are over two-hundred things it turns in to, you like?." mark took a bite out of the muffin, "oh yeah." he mumbled, spraying muffin everywhere. "Nathaniel's army is big." I said. "even with mark's crew this is only one-third. "make that two-thirds." said a voice. Alex was there, with an army of angels. "and another third makes a whole." said Olivia. "the mermaids will fight." "don't forget about us." said ally. her, Luke, Haley, and Jenny grin. Adam, Rory, and Brian group together, away from the rest. it's time for them to go home."wait!" moon and sun come running into the room. sun is shirtless with lose pants. moon has on a metal short skirt and a brown tank top, she looks amazing. the angels have their Amor. the mermaids have shell crowns and scarfs tied around there waist when in human form.

ally and Luke had on fur boots black pants, and a fur vest. Haley wore a blue lose shirt and pants with ribbons tied around her arms and legs. Jenny wore a plaid short dress. Haley had two knives, and Jenny had a dagger. my sisters wore brown lose shirt and pants. me and Blake wore Amor on our chests and lose brown pants. I turned around, ready to take my friends home, they were gone.

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