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I walk into the room where they are waiting. It is strange, seeing the girls without their dresses... Ally wore black running shorts with a black tank top. Haley still looked like a princess in jeans and a plain pink shirt. Jenny had a short plaid skirt on with tights that only went down to her knees, a pink tank on top. Ally's tail flicked back and forth, her ears twitching. Ally and Luke had been more or less successful. A more more calm werewolf, more in control. Haley always seemed happy, without being overly happy like his brother, mark, he admired her for that. He still thought of Jenny as the maid's daughter who had a childish crush on him. sometimes Jenny seemed as if she was completely crazy.

after everyone greeted them, they were given rooms. I talked to Alex for a while, she had a lot of ideas. I tried to find out about her green wings, but she kept on changing the subject.

I was about to go to sleep when I heard something...

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