The Dark Knight

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"Richard, as in Richard Grayson? Adoptive son of Bruce Wayne?" Raven felt dizzy from the information. She was starting to faint, but Robin held her up. "Yes. Promise me you won't tell anyone." He held her small frame up by her waist. "I promise. But Ro-Richard, doesn't that mean that Bruce Wayne is-is Batman?" She steadied herself and stood up. Robin sighed. "Yes, that means he's Batman. Raven, can we move away from this subject now?" She nodded and closed her eyes. The awkward silence floated in the air. "Richard?" Raven walked to his side. Robin stood up and touched her shoulder."Yes?" He lifted her hand up, and held it. "I think I-" Raven stopped, realizing she couldn't say it without breaking something. It pained her to know this. She spoke again, her voice slightly cracked. "Never mind." Robin sighed, and made a decision that would either leave him happy or broken. He hoped for the first one. Slowly, Robin leaned in, his face inches from hers.She stood there, paralyzed. He cupped her chin in his hand, and made his move. Robin let his lips touch hers, and she tensed. Soon enough, Raven relaxed and leaned into the kiss. She moved her arms to grasp around his neck, and he relocated his to her waist. It seemed to go on forever, leaving both Titans in a state of serenity. Raven pulled back, a slight shade of pink on her cheeks. Robin was the same. He laughed nervously, and scratched the back of his neck. "I love you." The words escaped Raven's lips, and she waited for the sound of something breaking, but nothing came. Robin smiled, took her by the waist, and kissed her again. "I love you, Raven." They stood there, not knowing what to do next. "It's Rachel." Raven said, looking down. "What?" Robin asked, confused. "My real name is Rachel. Rachel Roth." All of a sudden, Robin's communicator went off. He answered it, and saw something that made him afraid to speak. Raven looked over to see the caller, and her eye's widened. The dark voice leaked into their ears, "Richard Grayson, you have some explaining to do."

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