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Richard heard his alarm clock buzz, and snuggled his head deeper into her hair. The smell was a mix of vanilla and lavender. Raven moved slightly, positioning her head onto his upper chest. Richard started to hear footsteps, and quickly picked up Raven, setting her down in the bathroom. Her sleepy eyes opened, looking up to Richard's blue, alarmed ones. "What's happening?" She asked through a yawn. Richard put his finger to his lips, motioning for her to be quiet. His door opened, and Richard closed the bathroom, leaving Raven alone. She put her ear up to the door, listening to the conversation. "The phone in my study broke last night, completely exploded. Do you know anything about that?" It was Bruce, his voice as intimidating as usual. Richard yawned, "No, what time did it happen?" Bruce seemed to sigh. "Do not lie to me. I heard you two last night." Raven felt her face grow hot, and heard Richard laugh nervously. Bruce's footsteps came closer to the bathroom door, and Raven phased through the floor, back to her room. She decided now would be the perfect time to meditate. She sat in lotus position, slowly rising into the air. Raven began to chant her usual mantra,"Azarath.....Metrion.....Zinthos." She repeated this for an hour. Finally Raven looked to the clock,"nine-thirty, I started at what? eight?" She went over to the dressers and picked out some civilian clothes Richard had told her to bring. She made her way to the shower and locked the door. "That Tim probably knows how to pick a simple lock like this." Raven used her dark energy to hold the lock extra tight. You can never be too careful. She turned on the shower head, undressed, and stepped in. The warm water soothed her, making her forget about last night and this morning.  Raven rubbed some of her lavender shampoo in her hair, and washed it out. She then used her warm vanilla scented conditioner, and washed her body while the conditioner soaked in. two minutes later, she was drying off, and pulling on her clothes. Raven had on a dark blue tank top with a black hoodie that had an R in dark blue on the left side of it. She wore black skinny jeans, with dark blue high-tops. She removed the dark energy from the lock, and walked out, hearing a knock on her door. She walked over to the door, slowly opening it to reveal Bruce. He looked down into her eyes, and started to question her. "What were you and Dick doing last night." It didn't even sound like a question, more like a command. Raven kept her eyes locked with his, not backing down. In her coldest voice, she answered. "Nothing that is your business." Bruce stared harder. "This is my house, making it my business." He kept his voice as cold as hers. Raven was about to reply, but they heard a scream. Bruce instantly recognized it as Tim's voice, and ran down the hall towards his room. Raven quickly ran after him, meeting up with Richard. "What happened?" She asked him, hoping he had an answer. But he didn't. " I don't know. I was going down to meet you in your room, but before I could even step out of my room, I heard him scream!" They followed Bruce, into Tim's room. They all stopped dead when they saw who had caused the scream. Harley Quinn had Tim dangling out the window, smiling evilly at Bruce. " Hiya Mr. Wayne!" Bruce stepped closer, but Harley stopped him. "Don't you take another step. I would hate to see your little kid here fall." Bruce stood still. "What do you want." He said through gritted teeth. Harley and Bruce were too busy talking to notice Raven was gone. She had phased through the floor, now standing outside. She saw Tim dangling out his window, and shouted her mantra. "Azarath Metrion ZInthos!" Tim was pulled out of Harley's hands from the dark energy, and Raven slowly set him on the ground. She could hear Harley shouting, and went up to deal with her. "What? How-" But before she could get another word in, Raven kicked her straight in the face. She then sent her out the window, letting her land in a rose bush. She levitated down to her, hands across her chest. "Stupid, trying to threaten a multi-billionaire. He has protection." Harley pulled herself out of the bush, limping. "Mr. J is gonna be real mad! You just wait!" She went down to kick low, but Raven held up her shield. Harley thought the girl was distracted, and tried to punch, but failed. Raven looked up to see Bruce and Richard watching. Harley saw this, and kicked Raven in the stomach. Raven doubled over, coughing. Harley laughed, and cartwheeled back through the trees. Raven was not done though. She used her soul self to find Harley, repeatedly blasted her, and dragged her towards Arkham Asylum. Bruce met her there, shoving her into the car. "Hurry up, I can't let you be seen." Bruce sat in the driver's seat, and in no time, they were back to Wayne Manor. She walked through the rooms, stopping as a hand gripped her shoulder. Raven expected to see Richard, but instead, it was Tim. "Thanks." He looked down as he said this, and Raven spoke. "Your welcome. Aren't you supposed to-" Before she could finish, Tim kissed her. Her eyes opened wide, pushing him away. Raven ran from the hallway, wishing this trip was over.

One Problem At A Time (robrae fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora