Chapter 2X

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The Girl In the Rose Coloured Dress

Chapter 2X

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Arieanne's POV

I ran all the way to the pack home crying my eyes out. I opened the door and ran up the stairs to my room.

I found my mate . . . but I'm not sure if I even want one. I'm not ready for love. Well actually no one really loves me so I won't be used to it. And Yale . . . Yale just hates my guts!

What to do?!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yale's POV

I arrived at the pack home and I felt bad. Bad well I'm not sure why! But I just shrugged the feeling off.

"Hey guys! Anyone home?!" I say when I first enter the pack house. I looked everywhere but I didn't see anyone. Oh great! I'm home alone, now I get to bang-

I heard crying . . . girl cries. And it was coming from upstairs. It better not be mom or Coomiey (my little sister).

I dashed up the stairs and I followed the whimpers. For some reason, the whimpers were reaching me and going to my heart . . . breaking it bit by bit by bit.

I grew angry knowing that it was her crying over some dumb shit!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Arieanne's POV

I felt him and his presence. Oh God! Please don't come into the room!

Just then the door burst open and I saw him . . . Yale!

"WHY THE HELL ARE YOU CRYING! YOU DUMB BITCH! Why would you even say that about me? Start spreading a rumor that I'm . . . ME, your mate!" He spat.

All I could do was put my head down in guilt but I won't let him talk to me like that!

"But you know that we're mates! And I'm sorry if I don't look like one of those sluts you call beautiful, but I will always remain as your mate!" I yelled back at him throwing a pillow.

He dodged it quickly, picked it up, threw it on the bed and came striding towards me.

He picked me up my by neck with both hands making it hard to breathe. I just let him because I knew that fighting would only drain my energy. I was beginning to feel very light headed.

I closed my eyes and he banged my body against the nearest wall very hard. I opened my eyes and saw black spots.

I groaned in pain.

"Don't you DARE EVER THROW SHIT AT ME!" He growled dangerously.

-Girl! Stand up for yourself! Show him that he cannot boss you around!- My Wolf said.

-Ugh! Imma try!- I reply and I did try.

I tried to show him that I'm strong and his actions mean nothing. I did that by standing up straight.

But I earned a blow to the face which knocked me down. I earned several kicks to the stomach, arms, legs and my head . . .

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yale's POV

Doing what I did to her, nearly killed her.

That caused my Wolf to howl in misery and pain and I, to grin in happiness.

"That's what you get for lieing BITCH!" I spat one last time before leaving her unconcious on her bedroom door, bleeding.

Die bitch die!!!

++++++ Hours Later ++++++

~~~~~~~~~~~ Arieanna's POV

I woke up to the most excrutiating pain ever! And the worst head ache. I feel life less. Am I dead?

Oh God, please don't let me be! I tried getting up but it hurt even more! Then a bright light flickered on and a voice said, "well someone's up!"

I groaned because of the light but stopped because a dark shadow appeared over me.

I then was being picked by a pair of strong hands and onto something warm and comfy.

"You're on my lap, sweet heart. We're not here to hurt you! Whenever you're ready open your eyes." Another man whispered.

I did what he said and opened my eyes to find a man of gorgeous looks.

"Shhhh, don't speak . . . we love you, Arieanne! Just lay down on your back!" The man said and I was thrown on my back.

My eyes are open and I'm ready for whatever is about to come for me!

"Hey I'm Luckus and I'll be gladly to help you feel free and such!" Luckus said and with that I felt something go into my body painfully but it was overwhelmed with pleas-

"OH LUCKUS!!!!!" I moaned and I just realized a few things.

1) I'm having sex

2) Just lost my virginity

3) I'm naked

4) I really want more sex!


A/N: thanx for reading. If you want a sex chapter I may or may not write it in this story. I'll tell yah what I'll do with that sex chapter. Buht the sex chapter ain't that important. But I'll still write it! =)

Happy reading + comment + vote = <3

Thanks once again! =)

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