Chapter 8X

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The Girl In the Rose Coloured Dress

(1 More Chappie to go!!!)

Chapter 8X

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Arieanne's POV

After what seemed like hours of giving brith . . . well I gave birth!

And it was the worst feeling ever! Feels like sex but like . . . ohhh it's hard to explain.

But anyways, I gave birth to a girl and she is beautiful. I heard screams of pain, agony and fury all out-side. So I decided to name her Agonéh. Yeah, sounds like Agony but I love it.

She looks like Luckas and I!

Ohh I'm soo fucking happy I can't even describe it!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yale's POV

I felt pain. Extreme pain but after a while it went away.

Luckas was next to me laying down with his head in his paws. While I turned to my human form and that's when the pain hit.

I was wondering why until Luckas said that it was only Arieanne's pain from giving birth. And that since we're still connected we can feel each other's pain and all that crap.

-Well look. Finish that bastard off and be happy with your mate! I don't care about that ugly shit of a heir. We'll take care of it. I just want OUR mates!- My Wolf said and I nodded my response.

We need our mates back! I relaxed for a bit and that's when I noticed all the hassle has stopped and I just felt something hit my chest . . .

The feeling was beautiful and I felt like I was floating! Feels good to be flying I guess, because now I see a white light.

And for some oddly-cool reason, that light keeps on drawing me closer and closer to the sky . . .

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Arieanne's POV

I felt like I was missing half of my soul, body and even mind. I felt like I was just missing half of me.

But why?

"Why is it that I feel so . . . Like I only have half of my body?!" I ask him who's holding my baby girl.

He handed the baby to me and I held her to my chest. Awww she's sooo adorable!

She's sucking her little thumb and her piercing dark brown eyes gazing up at mines.

"Have you ever thought about this? A mate could feel that way if they loose their mate. Even if they rejected one another or whatever case it is. Or it can be for some un-known cause!" He said and walked out.

"My mate and other half?! I got up and eventually he came back with a pair of clothes.

"Here put these on and walk out side. It's a nice day for revenge . . . finally!" He said with an evil grin while taking my baby and went to change her. I guess.

I looked at the clothes and noticed something. The colour.

It had a rosey colour that was ALWAYS my mother's favorite colour . . .



A/N: comment + vote = <3.

Thnx for reading! Happy reading.

(1 more chappie to go!)


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