Chapter 6X

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The Girl In the Rose Coloured Dress

Chapter 6X

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Arieanne's POV

It's been a few hours since Luckas and his pack and Yale's and his dumb ass pack has been fighting.

-What the hell are you doing?! Go down their and protect your mate!- My Wolf howled.

-Well . . . He deserves pain. Especially what he put me through. I don't need an asshole of guy that's gonna protect me! I got Luckas!- I reply.

-Hmmmm I got the message!- My Wolf whispered.

I knew she got the message of my plan and I was more than happy that she let go. But I know when the time's right, she'll take over.

I smirked devily as I saw Yale's pack retreat and the Rogues come back in all bloody . . .

I damn sure can't wait to get this baby into the world!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yale's POV

"They're stronger than us, and we'll have to train even harder!" Alpha John accounced to the whole pack.

I just kept my head down in shame.

One interrupted and said, "well she's pregnant! With that Rogue! So how are we gonna-"

"We're gonna let her give birth to that child and we'll capture it, along with her. Then we shall kill those damned Rogues!" Alpha interrupted.

I decided to get my word in this and I cleared my throat.

All eyes were on my now.

"U-ummm . . . Alpha John! The time until she gives birth is like about 8 months away." I say.

"Well we'll train until then!" Alpha concluded and walked away leaving the pack and I all in hushed whispers and worry.

"Hey man! You know . . . If it wasn't for HER. We wouldn't be in this mess. Dontcha think we should just give up?" My Beta, Jamie, said while turning me around.

I nearly lost it and nearly punched the shit out of his face for saying something to me about my mate!

Instead I just shoved him and walked past. I ran a hand through my hair and walked up into the house to my room.


I grabbed another tissue from the box and wiped my runny nose. It's been over an hour and during that hour, I've been crying.

Why? Well I fucking regret ever hurting Arieanne. The only reason why was because I didn't want to ruin my reputation at school, and because I'm not the kind of guy to SHOW my actual feelings about anything, I acted the way I did.

But the number one question is, How in the World did those Rogues find out about Arieanne?!


A/N: Hey-llo there! =D thnx for reading, comment + vote = <3

And check out a new friend's work, her work is called "Salem Witches" and that special friend is @ThunderrXD.

It's not edited just yet. Thnx and also, this story is about to come to an end! Sadly, but there's a sequel =)))))))

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