Sugawara ~ First Love

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So it's obvious that this is my first one so please tell me what you think because i love feedback. I hope you all like it and feel free to request, I'd love to hear your ideas!

     For the longest time (Y/N) had liked Sugawara, the vice captain of the volleyball team, the sweetest person they knew. They had been close friends since starting high school together but it seemed that he didn't notice them the way they wished he did. (Y/N) was always hard on themselves for things like that too. It was a Friday night so as usual they would spend the night together and watch movies, study or noting at all, it didn't matter what it was as long as they spent time together.

They were watching a sappy rom-com since they were (Y/N)'s favourite, they would fantasize about the clichés and completely unrealistic moments. They loved to hear about other people's love lives despite not having their own to talk about. A few hours later they were deep in conversation with Sugawara, talking about everything and anything without another care in the world.

"So things between you and Shimizu?" They ask quietly and look up at him since they wanted to finally get it off of their chest.

"We've been apart for a while," he says and looks up towards the ceiling while eating the snacks. Him and Shimizu had dated for a while and it was absolute torture for (Y/N) so they didn't ask much.

"Oh I'm sorry.. you'll find someone," They say and take a deep breath, about to say it before he interrupt them.

"What about you?" Sugawara asks and glances over at them. "Have you had any luck?"

"No, not really um-"

"Have you ever even been on a date?" He asks and sits up looking at them with a raised eyebrow.

"No I haven't," They say and sighs quietly as they look off to the side.

"How?" He asks and (Y/N) shrugs as they sit up to face him.

"I just haven't been asked.."

"but you're so beautiful," he whispers under his breath without thinking, he looks at them and smiles softly which made their heart melt.

"W-What?" (Y/N) asks having heard him and blushes lightly, it couldn't be real.. could it?

"I said that you are so beautiful. How come no one has asked such an amazing, beautiful and loving person is beyond me," He said and brushes some hair out of their face as (Y/N)'s face turned a light pink.

"You think that?" They ask quietly looking up at him, this was the best day of their life. (Y/N) pinches themself winces knowing this wasn't a dream just made them smile brighter.

"I do. Now that my secret is out," He laughed softly which made their heart flutter like every time before. "I like you (Y/N) and I want to be the first one who kisses you, who takes you on dates, I want to be the one who calls you beautiful every day, I want you to be mine      (Y/N)..." He says and gently grabs their hands and looks them in the eyes.

"Yes," They say laughing and smiling softly, a mess of emotion and smiles.

"I haven't even asked yet," He chuckled before kissing one of their hands. "Will you be my girlfriend/ boyfriend?" He asks and smiles towards them.

"Yes!" (Y/N) says and hugs him tightly as he kisses their cheek and wrapped his arms around their waist. "I was going to tell you today but you beat me to it," They laugh softly and look into his eyes. "I'm happy for you to be my first love," (Y/N) mumbles and he nods.

"I love you.. I always have," he says before catching their lips in a soft chaste kiss.

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