Yamaguchi ~ Snowstorm

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I got inspiration for this because i go snowed in at my step-grandparents house this weekend and thought hoe cute he could be and everything so i hope you guys like it!

(Y/N) and Yamaguchi were recently a couple after he confessed to them and asked them out. They were together at his house for the second time as a couple, they were still shy around his parents since they really wanted them to like them. As accepting of their relationship as they were, (Y/N) still worried about how they acted. When they went over it was snowing but now it was really storming, the wind was whistling and the snow was starting to pile up, it was even starting to get cold inside the house. The problem is the roads were slippery and it was already dark out so Yamaguchi and his family didn't want them to leave and get caught in the storm.

"(Y/N) why don't you call your parents and stay the night?" His mom asks and they look at him wanting to know what he thought since they didn't want to impose or bother them. He nods and smiles gently while his face turned red.

"I-I would rather you stay and be safe.." he says and scratches his cheek. They nod and smile a little at him and his mother.

"Thanks, I would rather stay too. I'll go call and let them know." They say and stand up walking off into the hallway to have some privacy while they talked with their parents. They told (Y/N) to stay and be safe, they trusted Yamaguchi since he was so shy and innocent, they knew he wouldn't try anything and that he would take care of (Y/N). Meanwhile his mother disappeared to clean up Yamaguchi's room as well as get extra blankets and pillows for them.

A few minutes later they walk back and look around for his mother before sitting back down with him. Yamaguchi gently wraps an arm around them and looks down at them.

"Everything's figured out?" He asks and hopes that they could stay the night with him.

"Yeah they were fine with it," they smile and lean into him.

"I'm glad to hear that.. I-I can sleep on the couch and you can have my b-bed," He mumbles and trails off.

"Oh.. I don't want to impose besides I hate sleeping alone." They say and blush lightly, nothing to compare to the redness in his face now.

"T-That's fine by me.. we can figure that out later anyways.. you look cold," He says and puts his hand on their arm noticing that it was pretty cold already. "Come with me," He smiles and stands up holding out his hands to them. (Y/N) happily took his hands and stood up walking towards the kitchen as he pulled them along gently.

"Yeah no worries.. what are we doing?" They ask as he let's go of their hands and pulls out a chair at the island for them before they sit down and look at him.

"You'll see soon enough." He says and smiles gently before getting out mugs, hot chocolate mix and marshmallows. "Should we make cookies?" He asks and looks back at them.

"Sure! Can I help?" They ask and he smiles while shaking his head.

"The dough is all ready. I just need to put them in the oven so you stay put," He smiles and laughs softly. (Y/N) nods and smiles in admiration of how sweet he was to them.

"You're going to give me cavities" they laugh and smile brightly before he looks at them a little worried.

"I-I won't make cookies.. I'm sorry.." he trails off and they shake their head frantically.

"No no you're just being really sweet, that's what's going to give me cavities, you because you're too good for me." they say and smile towards him to reassure him.

"Oh.. that's n-nice of you to say," he smiles and blushes lightly.

Once the cookies were finished he made them both hot chocolate and loaded them with marshmallows before setting down a plate of cookies and their hot chocolate and sitting next to them. He was about to start eating when he heard the click of a camera and looked towards them with a small smile as bashful as he was. He took their phone and smiled towards the camera as they did too, capturing a cute picture of them together.

"I love your smile" He says and blushes darkly as he stares at the photo for a moment before handing them their phone.

"Thanks.. and thanks for the snack too" They say before smiling and eating a cookie. "They're really good" They grab his free hand under the table as they finish off their drinks. They look over at him and smile a little since he had some chocolate on his lip as then bring their hand up to his cheek and gently pulls his face closer. He blushes darkly and smiles softly as they kiss the corner of his mouth before pulling back.

"You had some chocolate on your face" they smirk and look down before he smiles and laughs softly since he found it cute.

About an hour later they were starting to get tired and decided that they should get to bed. Yamaguchi had given them a pair of pyjama pants and one of his shirts, after they changed he blushed darkly at how cute they looked in his clothes.

"Stop starring... you're making me blush." they mumble and run a hand through their hair as they walk over. He looks down then back at them with a soft smile.

"Sorry.. I-I can't help it you look so cute" he mumbles and wraps his arms around them. They smile and look up at him before he lets go and lets them lay down first as they cover them up with the blanket.

"Warm enough?" He asks and smiles as they nod looking up at him.

"Yeah come here." (Y/N) says and holds their arms out to him as he smiles and lays next to them, wrapping an arm around their waist. They laid like they for a while before (Y/N) tensed up and squeezed their eyes shut as they held on closer to him. He looks down at him and rubs their back gently then kissing their forehead.

"It's okay.. I'm right here" He says softly and they seem to calm down, their expression softened and they slowly fell asleep in his arms, and he soon followed.

Haikyuu OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora