Lev ~ April Showers

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Yo so first off this will be a two parted story but they won't have the same title. you will see why when it's posted because it just works. you'll see. i know you guys will like it. actually no.. i just hope so. though it will be the chapter consecutive to this one so no worries about finding it. sorry for the ramble i'm finished now :)

(Y/N) and Lev have been dating for four months to the date so Lev surprised them by bringing them out for dinner for their anniversary, all dressed up and brought them flowers too. He was awkward as usual but more worried about it today than ever, he wanted things to be perfect. (Y/N) has noticed the difference in his behaviour and worried that something bad happened that he was scared to tell them. Near the end of dinner they finally asked.

"Is something wrong Lev?" (Y/N) asks and bites their lip nervously.

"Nothing nothing! I just want things to be perfect," he says and rubs the back of his neck with his goofy smile.

"Awe Lev... it was perfect there's nothing that could ruin this." They say and smile up at him before he insists on paying the bill. As they walked to the door they heard a loud crack of thunder as they walk out to see it was pouring rain. (Y/N) looked up at him for a moment before he pats his coat pockets.

"Don't worry. I've got us covered." He says and pulls out a small, pocket sized umbrella before opening it and stepping outside and holding his hand out to them. They laugh softly and take his hand as they walk out, having to walk very close to each other unless they wanted to get wet.

"So how come you had tiny umbrella?" They ask and he laughs softly looking down at them.

"To match my tiny girlfriend/boyfriend," he says before wincing slightly from getting hit in the shoulder.

"I'm not tiny." They mutter before Lev pulls them into him.

"But you so are.. honestly, I had it because I checked the weather but I didn't want to change the date or have this be ruined." He says and rubs the back of his neck. "Today is our day and I wanted it to be special.." he says and smiles down at them, slightly embarrassed. They smile brightly and hug him tightly.

"Lev that is the sweetest thing..." They say as he kisses the top of their head.

"Good to hear. I had other things planned but it is kind of hard now," he says and rubs the back of his neck. "I'll just walk you home" he says softly and looks down at them.

"Okay." They say and lean into his side so they don't get wet as they walk.

A little while later it was pouring and Lev gave the umbrella to (Y/N), not caring about getting wet anymore. They were walking hand and hand when they made it to (Y/N)'s house and stopped in the driveway. They stopped walking and he wrapped his arms around their waist, (Y/N) smiled softly and wrapped their arms around his neck, looking up at him as lowered the umbrella. He smiled down at them and brushed the wet hair from their face.

"I'm sorry that today wasn't perfect.." he says and looks off to the side. "I really wanted today to be special." he says and (Y/N) could only smile.

"It was special since I got to spend it with you," they say and Lev grins widely before leaning down and pulling them closer to him.

"You're so perfect." He mumbles quietly before kissing them passionately as they drop the umbrella, running their hands through his wet hair. For them the kiss seemed to last forever. When they pulled away both their faces were flushed and dripping from the rain as they breathed heavily.

"Today was perfect Lev." (Y/N) says as they look up at him before the both of them look toward the house as (Y/N)'s father was yelling at them.

"That's enough of that. You're both going to get sick!" He yells from the door as Lev chuckles.

"Nice to see you too Mr. (L/N)!" He waves then looks down at (Y/N). "See you tomorrow Lovely" He says softly before kissing their forehead and picking up the umbrella.

"Bye Lev," they smile as they walk inside, looking at him as he walks away with a childlike grin.

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