Kuroo ~ Bet Part 1

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Hey! So this will be a two-parted story so this isn't the end! I hope you enjoy.

It was a Friday afternoon and (Y/N) walking home with their two close friends, Bokuto and Kuroo. Every Friday they would get together and spend the night watching movies at one of their houses, this week it was (Y/N)'s since their parents are out of town on a business trip. It was always fun around them but at the moment they were bickering over who was stronger. It never really was questioned but (Y/N) would guess Bokuto since he was the bicep king.

"When we get to (Y/n)'s house we're going to have an arm wrestle to settle this." Bokuto said confidently. Kuroo nodded and folded his arms over his chest until they spoke up.

"Hey Kuroo, I bet you can't beat Bokuto at arm wrestling." (Y/N) says raising their eyebrow at him to see if he'd make a counter.

"Well I think I can. What do you want if you win?" He asks with his usual smug smirk looking over at them. He towered over (Y/N) and it would almost intimidate them had they not known how big of a dork he can be.

"Do my science homework for a week? And if you win?" (Y/N) asks looking forward honestly having no clue what to expect from him. He pauses for a moment and his smirk grows.

"If I win you have to let me take you out on a date." Their eyes widen a bit but not enough to be noticed. They liked him, a lot,  but they thought they saw them as just 'one of the guys' and never though he'd like them. He probably is just screwing around, can't show him you're were nervous.

"It's a deal." They say and hold out their hand to shake his. (Y/N) looks at him with as much confidence as possible and he does as well. They all get to their house and walk in, the boys making themselves at home and rolling up their right sleeves.

"I'll be right back, don't start until I'm back down here" Up the stairs they went to change out of their school uniform into something more comfortable.

~Kuroo's POV

I looked over at Bokuto with a slightly panicked face. He knew I liked them and I just hoped he would do me a favour.

"Can you let me win?" I asked so I could be sure. We're bros, and I'd do the same for him so I wasn't too scared. He patted my back and nodded.

"Sure thing, I'll try to make it believable too." He says chuckling a bit and we sat at the table. "Where're you going to take (Y/N)?" He asks and I shrug even though I did have an idea.

"You'll see" I say and put a finger over my mouth when I hear them come back downstairs. He nods and acts like nothing happened.

~Third Person POV

(Y/N) comes back down and sits at the table looking at the both of them. They look at each other and nod a bit which made them wonder what went on while they were gone. Both of their elbows were placed on the table and (Y/N) examines them making sure no one was cheating.

"3...2...1... go!" (Y/N) says and they both start pushing against the other trying to pin each other's hand. Bokuto wasn't trying his hardest but he wouldn't just let him win. It didn't take long for Kuroo win and high five Bokuto. Their jaw nearly dropped but they tried stayed composed.

"Damn. I have a project due." They mumble and don't even notice the light blush dusting Kuroos checks. He smirks at you and leans a bit on the table.

"How's tomorrow night?" He asks and they smile slightly not thinking it would be a serious date then nod.


"I'll pick you up at seven?" (Y/N) nods and tries not to be awkward about it since it would just be a platonic thing. They all went over to the couch and spent the night watching movies and laughing together. The night went as usual and no one really mentioned the bet.

The next morning they got a text from a friend asking for help them with some homework but they couldn't because of the date with Kuroo.

(Friends/N): You're going out with Kuroo?!?

(Y/N): Yeah so I can't help you tonight

(F/N): That doesn't matter! How did this happen??

(Y/N): I don't think it's real date, I just lost a bet

Later in the day they were getting ready, not doing anything fancy because they thought it would just be simple dinner or a movie. After changing a few times (Y/N) finally decided to wear black jeans ripped at the knee, a (F/Colour) tank top and red flannel wrapped around their waist. They waited anxiously in their room working on little things until they got a text from Kuroo saying he was on his way. The butterflies in (Y/N)'s stomach started to flutter as they walked down the stairs to put on their (F/Shoes) before sitting on the couch waiting.

Less than ten minutes later there's a knock on the door, the butterflies become reckless as they stand up to open the door. (Y/N) was greeted by Kuroo who was smirking as per usual, they were relived, he wasn't wearing anything fancy.

"Good afternoon." He says sounding a little nervous, but they tried not to focus on that. A smile made its way to their face as they walked out with him.

"So what's the plan?" (Y/N) asked not being worried anymore since it seemed casual, like a platonic date but little did they know he has other things planned.

"Chinese take-out?" He asks knowing that was their favourite. (if you don't like Chinese then I am sorry, you two can have pizza or whatever you please) It made their smile grow slightly as they got into his truck.

"Great plan." (Y/N) said looking over with the smile still on their face, he also looked over with his signature smirk. While the two of them got the food it was pretty casual, it didn't seem like a real date to them so (Y/N) was pretty relaxed but as soon as they left they were confused at to where they were heading since neither of them lived in this direction.

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