Terushima ~ Tease

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Okay so this may be a little scandalous but i saw the idea for an otp imagine thing and knew it was perfect for him so i hope you enjoy.

(Y/N) and Terushima had been dating for four years now, they lived together in a nice apartment downtown. Recently (Y/N) had applied to a new job, this job was so important to them because this would put them on the right track to their desired career. For the past two days they refused to leave the house or do anything too distracting incase they got the call. Terushima had started to feel neglected because they didn't do much the past few days, the most they did was cuddle and watch movies, but he understood for the most part.

They were sitting together at the table eating dinner, both of them still in their pyjamas,    (Y/N) in a white tank top and plaid bottoms, Terushima was shirtless and wearing grey jogging pants. They soon finished eating and Terushima took the dishes into kitchen. In the meantime (Y/N)'s phone rang and they nearly dropped it when they saw who it was and quickly answered.

"Good evening sir," They say and tap their fingers on the table nervously. When Terushima waked in he looked at them and tilted his head before they put a finger over their lips. He just nodded and walked over with a smirk. Their boss was speaking about some of the applicants when (Y/N) felt chapped lips against their neck and tensed up.

"What are you doing?" They whisper and he just smirks looking up at them.

"I'm being quiet. Let's see if you can too." He smirks before kissing down their neck to their collarbone, he knew where their sweet spot was but found it more fun to tease. (Y/N) on the other hand, was growing flustered and bit their lip softly as they shut their eyes.

"Is everything alright?" Their boss asks and they nod softly enjoying this treatment to the point that they nearly forgot the phone call.

"Y-Yes, I'm fine sorry. Please continue," They say and their boss starts taking about what is expected of them at the place of work. Meanwhile Terushima heard that last bit towards him and he smirked against their skin.

"Will do." He whispers softly before gently biting the spot he loved to tease. They gasped softly and cover their mouth. He continued kissing, biting and licking that spot which drove them crazy, their eyes were shut as they absently listened to their new boss.

"So do you accept the job?" Their boss asks and they smile before Terushima bites down a little harshly on their spot.

"aah~ mm yes, absolutely, yes," they groaned bit their lip since they were speaking to both parties but they worried about if their boss heard. Terushima only smirked and continued to abuse the spot driving them wild.

"oh Yuji,"they moan softly and cover their mouth as they tilt their head to expose their neck to him.

"We will see you Monday then. I won't bother you any longer go enjoy yourself," Their boss says before hanging up. When they set their phone down Terushima immediately stops as if nothing happened.

"Did you get the job?" He asks and smirks a little bit.

"Yeah I did! No thanks to you," They say and run their hand over the marks he left.

"He probably probably hired you because of how sexy you sounded." He smirks and leans his head down before gently kissing their lips. "Just don't go and sleep with him. I'm proud of you," he says and they roll their eyes.

"Shut up I could have blew that whole call because of you," They say and look up at him while shaking their head. "I can't be that mad though.."

"Oh how come? Did someone enjoy that?" He smirks and teases.

"Yeah maybe. Just a little." They say and laugh softly before he wraps his arm around their waist pulling them close and kissing the top of their head.

"I'm so proud of you, babe" He says softly and brushes some hair out of their face. "Love you."

"Love you too you tease."

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