Chapter Six

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      And so, a party was held for the return of Fairy Tail.
       "So Owen and Grace, what magic do you use?" Erza asked, pulling Owen out of the laundry chute.
       "I use sand magic." Owen smirked and trapped Elizabeth in a sand bubble. Elizabeth soon broke out of the bubble, went over to Owen, and punched him in the face.
       "Okay... So what about you Grace?" Erza asked and bent down to Grace's size, ruffling the young girl's short hair.
       "Just change into any armor Erza." Noelle said walking over and dragging Elizabeth away before she could do any further damage to Owen, who was curled up into a ball and apologizing as Elizabeth kicked him repeatedly.
       "REQUIP! HEAVEN'S WHEEL!" Erza exclaimed and requiped.
       "REQUIP! HEAVEN'S WHEEL!" Grace copied Erza and suddenly requiped into armor that was similar to Erza's, but had much more coverage, as she was only eight.
       "SHE HAS REQUIP MAGIC?!" Most of the guild screamed in shock.
       "Yeah? So?" Grace asked, clearly not phased by the outburst.
       "Well, I think it's kind of nice to have someone with the same magic as me." Erza said as she and Grace requiped back into what they normally wear.

       After that, the party went on. As soon as afternoon started, it became late and many made their way back to their apartment or house.
       "Bye guys! See you tomorrow!" Lucy called out and went to her apartment.

       Once she got there, Lucy realized that she didn't own the apartment anymore. But before she could walk away, Lucy saw Noelle and Elizabeth walk out of the apartment with the landlady. The sisters waved goodbye and joined the rest of their family. The landlady then walked over to Lucy and handed her a key.
      "The twins wanted you to have the apartment. They made a deal that I could not refuse. 1,000,000 jewel for the apartment. Probably got the money from their parents. Anyway, the apartment is yours. You know what the price is every month. I will see you soon." The landlady said and walked away. Lucy unpacked and settled in to sleep.

      Meanwhile, Natsu and Happy made it to their house, which was surprisingly still standing. They settled in and went to sleep just like that.


Me: HI EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!! Wow, that was way more enthusiastic than the last time!

Everyone: YEAH IT WAS!!!!!!

Me: Yes. Anyway, see you next time for the NEXT CHAPTER!!!!!!

P.S. For some reason, I really like doing P.S.'s. :)

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