Chapter Nine

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      "We already know that Vallen always targets four people. Two are the ones that actually have the nightmares, and the other two are the ones in the nightmare that... um... that die. How Vallen succeeds is that he makes these nightmares come true." William explained.
      "But how would we know who the four people being targeted are?" Juvia asked.
      "I already know." Lynn said and lowered her head.
      "Wait what?" Delphi questioned as she and her friends gave Lynn the 'what-do-you-mean-you-know-who-they-are?' look.
      "Well then who are they?" Owen and Grace asked at the same time, before shooting each other death glares.
      "The ones who have the nightmares are Natsu and Gray." Lynn said. Everyone gasped. Natsu and Gray's eyes widened.
      "And the ones who are supposed to be killed?" Wendy asked.
      "Juvia...." Lynn stared. Juvia gasped, and Gray looked at her in worry. "And....Lucy." Lynn slowly finished. Lucy covered her mouth in shock, and Natsu's eyes widened in horror, remembering the dream that had played continuously. A new image followed, when Future Lucy died. Natsu's hair fell over his eyes, covering his eyes in shadow.
      "How do you know this, Lynn?" Master Makarov asked.
      "I saw that Natsu and Gray were acting strange this morning, so I decided to see if there was something wrong. They still seemed off. I then put a hand on their shoulders, and I saw their nightmares, which had the same feeling as Vallen's magic. That's how I know he's behind all this." Lynn explained.
      "So, if what you're saying is true, then does that mean that Juvia, and Lucy will die?" Siri asked after escaping Catty once again, who appeared beside her a minute later with a murderous look in her eye. Sofia sighed and came between them. She locked both of them in a water bubble, with air to breathe, of course, but making Siri and Catty unable to reach each other.
      "Yes Siri, it does mean Lucy and Juvia will die," Andrea sighed sadly, glad Sofia stepped in otherwise she would have gone in her 'Psycho Form', the nickname her friends had made up. She only used that form in life-threatening situations, and with Siri and Catty always trying to kill each other, and almost knocking the book she was reading out of her hands, yes, that was a life threatening situation.
      "Well, can't we prevent it?" Warren asked.
      "I'm afraid not. Vallen has the power to see into the future. How else do you think he gets the nightmares to come true?" Lila responded, looking at the group.
      "Wait, future events were in the nightmares? Maybe that's why they were in my premonition." Charle mumbled to herself.
      Wendy turned to Charle and asked, "Charle, you had a premonition?"
      "Yes, and it showed both nightmares." Charle answered, lowering her head. Gray's eyes narrowed, and Natsu clenched his fists.
      "That means the nightmares will come true in the near future. Sadly, no matter how hard you try, no one can change the future." Sofia said.
      "But we changed the future at the Grand Magic Games." Exclaimed Happy.
      "That's different. The Infinity Clock was part of the whole situation, and it can bend time. That's how you changed the future." Noelle explained.
      "My children, I know we're all worried about what is to come, but right now we have to prepare for the situation right now. We have to prepare for war. If they think Fairy Tail is going down easily, they're dead wrong! WE HAVE DEFEATED BASICALLY EVERY ENEMY IN OUR WAY! HECK! WE TOOK DOWN TARTAROS! SO ARE WE GOING TO GIVE UP?!" Master Makarov said, his voice rising until he was shouting.
      "NO!" The guild shouted back.
      "THEN LET'S GET MOVING! We will be ready." The master finished and the guild started to prepare for war. However, as Noelle was about to help everyone, she noticed the same hooded figure from before, watching her in the shadows, but soon disappearing.

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