Chapter Fifteen

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      "You guessed it. Now, if you would excuse me, I would like to see you worthless piece of filth on the ground. D E A D," Vallen said and smirked.
       "Why you little..." Natsu started, then lit his fists on fire. He ran towards Vallen and punched him, sending him backwards, but he landed on his feet. Vallen looked as if he was about to send an attack at Natsu, but faked him out and suddenly redirected it to Lucy. The spell flew fast at her, but she was quicker. Before it hit Lucy, she got out a key.
       "OPEN, GATE OF THE RAM, ARIES!" Lucy exclaimed, then continued, "STAR DRESS, ARIES FORM!" Lucy transformed into clothes similar to Aries, and she had horns. Natsu stared in amazement at Lucy's newfound ability. Vallen narrowed his eyes as the attack meant for Lucy was blocked by pink, fluffy wool.
      "I will get my revenge by killing the Heartfilia family," Vallen growled.
      "What do you mean? We never did anything to you," Lucy asked, wondering what he meant.
      "YOU'VE GOT THE WRONG PEOPLE! MY FAMILY WOULD NEVER DO THAT!" Lucy argued. Vallen's lust for murder grew. He sent an attack straight for Lucy, which was too fast for anyone to stop.

      "HA! MISSED ME, MISSED ME, NOW 'YA GOTTA KISS ME!" Owen taunted as he dodged another bubble Bandit sent at him. "SAND BUBBLE!" Owen exclaimed and he trapped one of Bandit's bubbles in one of his bubbles. Owen's bubble destroyed the black-clothed stealer named Bubble. Bandit then sent bubbles at Wendy and Romeo. They dodged easily. Wendy was close to touch another bubble that was intended for her. "Be careful. Remember, if you touch them, Bandit will steal your magic," Owen reminded.
      "Right....AAAAHHHH!" Romeo suddenly screamed out in pain as one of Bandit's bubbles hit him. Wendy ran over to Romeo, who was about to get hit once again.
      "SKY DRAGON ROAR!" Wendy exclaimed and completely destroyed the bubble. Bandit then lifted his hand and sent yellow fire at Owen, who dodged easily once again.
      "EWW!" Owe shouted once he got a whiff of the fire. However, neither Owen or Wendy noticed a surprise attack, and they got hit. Both screamed out in pain, and once again, Romeo did too, for he got hit once again. Now they were powerless, for Bandit had their magic. Bandit then started muttering a spell, and a powerful attack was sent at the three Fairy Tail wizards.

      "Wait, quiet... Someone's here. Get ready," Andrea hissed in warning to Delphi. They got into a fighting stance, their fists ready. Just then, a bubble of acid came hurtling at the two girls. They dodged it with ease, then turned to see where the acid hit. The ground where the acid hit was replaced with a deep hole, and around the hole, rings formed around it.
      "Secularouric acid. Acid 100 times stronger than hydrochloric acid," Delphi managed to say before she quieted in shock.
      "Correct, and this is the acid that will eat you Fairy Scum away," A man said, suddenly appearing up from in the shadows, holding a ball of acid, ready to launch at the two girls once again. Once the ball was released, Andrea and Delphi dodged once again, but as it hit the ground behind them, it splashed, and some drops touched their skin. They fell to the ground. Delphi looked at her leg while Andrea looked at her arm. Patches of skin had either melted off or burnt. The girls winced in pain.
      The man then smirked and said, "By the way, my name is Zuur Syre,"
      "We didn't need to know that," Andrea said and sighed.
      "Really? I thought you would want to know the name of the man who was going to kill you," Zuur replied.
      "No, actually, we didn't, since you aren't going to kill us," Delphi said and stood up. Clouds rolled in and electric blue lightning crashed down to the ground right beside her. Andrea stood up to, and started to glow red. Once the red light diminished, Andrea was different. Her boots had now turned a dark pink, along with her dress. Her hair was sticking up with dark pink lowlights and her eyes were glowing white. In her hand was a chain, and at the bottom of it was the top of a mace.
      "You think you can defeat me? Well, we'll see about that when your bones litter the ground!" Zuur shouted and lunged at the two girls. They dodged easily. Andrea yawned.
      "Is that the best you can do?" She asked, unamused.
      "I am just getting started," Zuur growled and suddenly, the air was covered in green fog.
      "Nice job," Delphi moaned.
      "I'm sorry!" Andrea shouted back.

      Hello everyone! Sorry about the wait. Vacation without wifi. Sad. I will be going on vacation for two weeks at the end of July and until August something. However, I will update as soon as I can. Until next time! BBBBBBYYYYYEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! :D

P.S. If you like this story, and all my other stories I am writing, I suggest to look at my twin sister's new account, and new book.

Author/Twin sister: 22572SEVENTHWONDER
Book: The Light In The Darkness

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