Chapter Ten

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      "We will have groups go out to find Vallen. Elizabeth will show you the groups." Lynn explained.
      "Yup, here they are." Elizabeth said and help up a piece of paper with all the groups.
1. William, Lynn, Owen, and Grace
2. Meldy, Kinana (purple haired girl), and the Oracion Seis
3. The Thunder Legion, Mira, Elfman, and Lisanna
4. Erza, Jellal, Natsu, Lucy Wendy, Romeo, Happy, Charle, Noelle, Elizabeth, Lila, Andrea, Catty, Siri, Delphi, and Sofia

Note: Levy, Gajeel, and Pantherlily will go undercover to gather information on the enemy. (No beating anyone up unless in a life of death situation).
      "Why is our group so big compared to the rest?" Lila asked. Carry shrugged.
      "Um, my name is not purple haired girl, and why am I going?" Kinana asked.
      "I know. I used to not know your name, so I nicknamed you 'purple haired girl', and you all are going because I said so." Elizabeth said in a serious, but playful tone.
      Lila mumbled, "Why do you get to decide things?" not loud enough for anyone to hear, again.
      'Her name is Cubellios.' Cobra thought suddenly.
      "Let's get going." Master Makarov said and the five groups set out to find Vallen. Levy, Gajeel, and Pantherlily made their way to go undercover. Gajeel sulked because he could not beat anyone up. Finally, however, as Noelle followed her group, she noticed the same hooded figure following her from the shadows.

      Meanwhile, in an abandoned city, Vallen watched the groups as they went their separate ways to find him.
      "Just as planned." Vallen said as a wicked grin appeared on his face. Suddenly, the door opened and the Snakeroot Guild Master limped in, his body bent and broken.
      "I failed." He managed to say.
      "No, you made a horrifying future for Fairy Tail come true." Vallen said as he looked back at his lancrima that showed the five groups. "Very soon, Fairy Tail will fall into ruin." He cracked the Snakeroot Master's neck with a flick of his wrist. "Very soon."

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