Gundham Tanaka X Reader.

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This a non despair AU. You will be the ultimate Youtuber. I know I'm so original but I have an idea for it so shh! Anything in ' will be the recording of a video.

(F/G)= Favorite game.

To be honest I never expected to be scouted. My talent I wouldn't call it that much of a talent. Instead I believe it's the people who support me that I'm here and I can't thank them enough. So the reason I'm standing in front of hope's peak.

'Hey so I am standing right in front of Hope's Peak Academy but I wouldn't be here without you guys, so all my thanks goes out all of you. I don't think that I will be able to record inside of the school. So I'll update you at lunch.'

I turned of the camera and stepped into the school and started heading down to my classroom. To see all of my classmates all of them looked liked they had unique personalities. I took a seat at an empty desk, took out my laptop and started editing some of my videos since there was nothing else to do while I waited for the teacher to arrive.

(Time skip)

I stopped going to class to after a couple of months to make my videos better quality since it was allowed as long as I managed to pass the exam and keep my ultimate it's fine. At the minute I was live streaming (F/G). There was a knock on my door so obviously I went to answer it. It was a girl long orange hair and an apron on.

"(Y/N)(L/N), I am your new homeroom teacher, Chisa Yukizome and I'm here to take you back to class."

"Well It's nice to meet you and I don't mind going back to class but I'm in the middle of a live stream at the minute so I can't...."

"I'm sorry but (F/N) is coming back to class! You should be more encouraging about her going to school." A s she said that she ended the stream .

"Well I guess that problem is sorted ." I said as a scratched the back of my head. "I guess I'll head to class then."

Most people were already at class. I must have been one of the last people to come. I just took my seat at the back of the room and once again patiently waited for the teacher arrive.

More and more people arrived. Until the class was finally all back together. It felt like forever since the whole class has been in one room at the same time. I wasn't that close with people in my class, not because I didn't like them but some just aren't really people who I would normally talk to. One of the people who I am closest to here is Chiaki. I mean it just makes sense, she is the SHSL gamer after all. It's not that odd for us to play games together even though she is always better then me.

There wasn't a lot of time left until we went home anyway. It had taken most of the day to collect everyone. When the bell finally rang I grabbed my stuff. If I'm going to be coming to school everyday I'll have to go on a recording spree.

"Hey (Y/N)." Chiaki said sleepily.

"Hey." I smiled at her even though she wasn't looking. Some people find it rude to do things like that but I don't care.

"What are you going to do since you have to come to school tomorrow? I mean do you have anything to put up?" She said without looking up from her game.

"Well I don't at the minute so I guess I've got to stay up late tonight. Damn this has messed up my schedule. She could have warned me first so that I had some things edited and all that."

"Do you want me to record some stuff with you?" Of course me and Chiaki play games together. One of my favorite things about what I do is being able to work with loads of different people who like the same things as me.

"If you don't mind, it would be quite helpful."

(Time skip)

Slowly, I opened my eyes to see that I was sitting in front of my computer with a half edited video showing up on the screen. You have got to be kidding me. How long was I awake for? That doesn't matter right now I just need to get ready. By the looks of it I'm already going to be late. I quickly pack up my laptop to do some last minute editing at school. I grab my stuff and quickly walk out of the door.

(Time skip)

I actually made it to school on time. Well more of exactly on the bell.

"Your timing is perfect (Y/N)!" A voice which I could only assume was Sonia's, the ultimate princess. I just smiled and scratched the back of my neck. As I was walking to my seat I felt a four tiny paws run up my shoulder. I look to my side and see a little white and golden brown hamster or as Gundham calls them his dark devas. It's kinda cute. I picked up the hamster and held it in one hand whilst petting it's head with one of my fingers. I placed the hamster on the desk and took my laptop out of its bag and carried on what I started yesterday. The hamster had now curled up and feel asleep on the laptop. "I wish I could go to sleep right now" I thought to myself as I yawned .

"How were you able to get San-D to come near you? Could it be that you are the dark empress!" I just laughed.

"What is so funny?" He asked all confused.

"Sorry, I thought you were joking." His face looked shocked. "Oh, and to answer you question no I am not."

"That is a shame." He looked disappointed. I wonder why?

"Hey Gundham? What made you want to breed animals?" I've always wanted to know more about him. He has always seemed like an interesting person but he never really talks to people.I don't know why but he used his scarf to cover his face after I asked the question.

"Some had to keep the beasts company!"

"That's cute."

"How dare you mock me. I am Gundham Tanaka the forbidden one!" He ended it with his signature laugh. I tried to keep in my laugh and managed pretty well. I passed him back the hamster.

"Hey Gundham what other animals do you own?" Was that a stupid question? Probably.

"Why don't you come round to my lair then to see?" Wait am I hearing this right? My crush is inviting me to his house.

"Of course."

"However, in exchange I want to know more about your talent."

"That is fine" Why does he want to know more about me talent?

"Then I shall meet you by the school entrance after classes." He then walked back to his seat whilst he pulled his scarf.

(Time skip)

I meet with Gundham straight after school and we went to his place. There was loads of cute animals and as I promised I told Gundham about my talent.

It was starting to get late an I needed to head home soon before my parents got back and found out. "Hey Gundham, it's getting late I should probably head home now" He had a look of disappoint on his face.

"Then before you go I must leave you with a parting gift." He walked towards me grabbed my waist and pulled me into a kiss. Normally he would tell people not to touch him because of some poison or something like that. He pulled away to my disappointment. "I am sorry I lost control for awhile." He pulled his scarf up to cover his face. I reached over to it and pulled it back down giving him a small peck on the check.

"Hey maybe one day you could be in one of my videos." I giggled before walking away.


This was originally going to be on my anime oneshots book but I decided to make Danganronpa its own book. If you want to request please post it on the request page, thank you.

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