Keebo X Reader

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This is a non despair AU.

I was the ultimate robotic engineer. Due to that, I was obsessed with robots and the way they work; So as soon as I found out I was in the same class as the ultimate robot I was automatically intrigued by this.

I was walking towards my new classroom and I was a couple of minutes early but hey, being early never hurt anyone.

I opened the door to see a few people scattered around the room, talking, as if they have known each for years. However there was one person in the corner that didn't seemed to be occupied so I walked over to him. He had white hair and blue eyes.

"Hey my name is (Y/N) (L/N), the ultimate robotic engineer." I smiled and waved at the boy.

"I am K1-B0, the ultimate robot but please address me as Keebo."

"That's so cool! So what features do you have?"

"Thank you. I am an artificial intelligence designed who can feel emotions."

"Wow that's amazing. I've never seen a robot who can feel emotions."

"Thank you. No one has ever seen me for how advanced I am." He replied happily.

"I look forward to getting to know you."

The home-room teacher had walked into the room meaning I couldn't talk to him any more. Your mind kept wondering off, thinking of loads of different. One thing that did interest was the fact that you didn't have to actually attend classes. At least now you could focus more on your talent.

(Le Time skip)

It has been 3 months since you first started at hopes peak. You hadn't gone to any classes since the first week.

Yup, that's right.You had only attended the first week because what was the point? You may as well practise your talent and the tests were coming up soon.

However, you had no idea what you were going to do for them. Yup, you are totally (A/N Patrick) stumped.

"Uhh." You where sitting in you chair with blue prints around you that you decided to scrap. None of them were good enough to use. You definitely didn't want to get kicked out. Just imagining the embarrassment of having to go back to a normal high school was killing you.

You heard a knock at the door breaking your train of thoughts. You slowly got up and opened the door. You tried not to let your face be seen due to the lack of sleep you had been. You were not good with handling stress.

"Ah, (Y/N) you opened the door." It was Keebo. "I was wondering if you could help me with the exams. That is if you didn't mind." I mean I could use it to my advantage.

"S..sure. Come in..." He was going to see you in a right mess. You couldn't look that bad could you? You opened the door more for Keebo to come in. He tanked you fro letting him in and helping him with the exams. You closed the door behind you.  and signalled for him to follow you. He was so obedient it was cute. Wait, cute! It's probly just because I'm tiered, right?

(Y/N)? Why are your eyes black? Did someone one hurt you? "

"No, it's not that...I just haven't had a lot of sleep lately."

"Huh?" You laughed at the confused robot in front of you. "What is so funny?"

"You look so confused." I tried to hold in my laughter s much as I could. "Anyway what do you need help with?"

"Well since I started coming to school I've felt a new emotion. I would like you to help me understand it."

"Fine by me...but after I help you I want you to help me. Deal?" He nodded even though he had no idea what I was going to ask him. He's too innocent for his own good.   

First I needed to figure out what he was feeling so you ended up asking him loads of different question and figured out that it was love he was feeling. He was surprised by this.

"(Y/N), can I try something?" I nodded and he lent in and quickly kissed me before pulling me into a hug. It was comfortable but cold. That's when you got an idea.

"Keebo, I love you but you are really cold." He let go of you and apologised toy you. "Can I install a heater on you that lets you heat and cool up someone?" He nodded and you started to work on him. Maybe having a robot as a boyfriend will be one of the best things ever.   

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