Celestia x Male! Sleepy! Reader

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Requested by Ludenberg_en

You had always been tired since you could last remember, after all you never had the best sleeping schedule. This killing game only made it worse. Two people had already died and it had taken a toll on you but you had to keep on going. You promised yourself you would survive this killing game and see your family again. You would have slept in this morning however, that stupid bears announcement woke you up and you knew the others would be worried if you didn't show up for breakfast. You went to the bathroom and splashed your face with cold water to try and wake yourself up a bit. Your (H/C) hair was messy and you didn't have the energy to fix it so you just left it.

You walked to the canteen (I haven't played the first game in a while so I can't remember if that's what it's actually called but oh well) to see everyone there. You decided to take a seat away from people. You really didn't have the energy to talk to anyone right now. 

You heard someone raise their voice and started to listen to the conversation a bit more. It was Celestia demanding that Hifumi gets her a drink was what you assumed.  You rested your head on the table just wanting all this to be over. The noise of a mug being placed int he table made you lift your head up to see a the mug filled with coffee and Celestia taking a seat opposite you.

"You looked like you needed it," She smiled.

"Thanks," You smiled back. Celestia was one of the people you liked the most here, she wasn't loud and annoying and she was very pretty.

A few days past and another murder had taken place it was hard to keep you spirts high but there was one person who was keeping you motivated throughout the killing game and it was Celeste. Once you got out of this hell hole you were going to ask her to be your girlfriend. You hoped she felt the same way.

It seemed as if the murders would never stop, Ishimaru and Hifumi were the next people to die and you were now in class trial. Before the trial started Celeste told you she left you a note in your room. 

The class trial had come to end and it turned out Celeste was the killer. You stood there shocked. You had to watch the person you were closest with burn before being crushed by a fire truck.

Once you got back to your room you found the note that she had left, it read:

If you're reading this then it means my plan has failed. I was planning to win and sneak you out. Unfortunately, that didn't work. I would've also liked to use the money to go on a date sometime. I feel like you would've made a good boyfriend and I really liked you, so please keep on living for my sake and get a proper sleep schedule. Lots of love Celeste.


Sorry this took so long I was set a lot more work than expected but I've finally finished it all  and will no longer be set anymore so I'll have more time to write for the people who have requested. I've also started cosplaying so if you want to check that out my tiktok is chicken.does.cos. I only have a Denki Kaminari one at the minute but I have a jirou one coming in about a month and I'm thinking of getting a Danganronpa one once I have to money to buy more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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