Can they sing? And if they do how do they sound

835 20 10

Jeff: Can't but refuses to admit it
Ben: yes his voice is a bit glitchy but he has a nice voice(he will usually sing to Sally)

What his voice is kinda like:

Puppeteer: Yes, he has a nice deep voice though he is a bit shy to sing in front of others
(Can't find a video that would be like his voice in my opinion)
Bloody Painter: yes
Judge Angel: kinda??? She can sing songs that don't go too low or too high
Toby: no
Masky: yes he has a low voice to but not as low as puppeteer's
What his voice is kinda like:

Hoodie: Yes his voice is just a bit lower than Masky's
What his voice is kinda like: (it's Burr's part)

Sally: not really but if you tell her that, she will kill you
Slender: kinda though not really

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