Chapter 2- Mission.

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Now you have been with the Avengers for 2 years. You have made a new group of friends who you treated like family. Though, Natasha and Wanda were your closest as they shared the same gender as you.

You were im the kitchen making pop tarts for Thor, when Clint decided to startle you by shooting an arrow at the wall beside you.

"Jesus, Clint, why? You know what these palms can do." Clint raised an eyebrow at the comment and giggled, making you think twice of what you just said. He took the arrow out and booped your nose as he wandered out.

You shook your head as the toaster popped out your confectionaries. You walked back out of the kitchen and handed the plate of pop tarts to Thor. "So glad we didn't run out, thanks Lady Y/N." He said through an Asgardian accent. You nodded in return.

"Y/N!" You heard Natasha scream from above you. You sped upstairs to find Natasha on her bed, head in her hands, like she was stressed and flustered.

"Hey Nat, what's up?" You asked, starting to make small green vines with your fingers.

"We have a mission, Y/N, you up for it?" She questioned. You shrugged and nodded. Inside, your heart was dying to jump out of your chest.

"Ok, we leave tomorrow, we're off to Wakanda, talk to The Big Guy and figure out what we do with a guy called Klaue." She explained. Your mind was suddenly drowning in questions.

"Two questions. Who's 'The Big guy and Klaue? And where's Wakanda?" You blurted. Natasha ruffled her pretty eyebrows and put her finger to her mouth.

"Save your questions, I'll answer them on the way there. Pack up and get some sleep. Big day ahead tomorrow."

You left and were in your room, still thinking about the mission. You had packed up a small suitcase since you didnt have much but a necklace with a silver panther carved into it. About 10 o'clock, you finally drifted off to sleep. Dreaming of what this Wakanda place could be...

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