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"Hey, has anyone heard from Mark? I've tried calling him several times, but he hasn't answered." Amy spoke up with a frown as Tyler, Bob, Ethan, and Wade prepared to go onstage for the show.

"God dammit, I'll try calling him." Bob sighed as he retrieved his phone and dialed Mark's number, waiting impatiently for him to answer.

"Hey this is Mark Fischbach, please leave a message-"

Bob hung up with a soft growl in irritation, rubbing his face with his hand free hand.

"Guys, Mark's VIP show starts in thirty minutes, we need to find him fast!" Tyler stated worriedly.

"I'll try calling Jack." Ethan offered, disabling his number.

His call went straight to voicemail.

"Son of a bitch." Ethan cursed softly as he reluctantly stuck his phone back in his pocket.

"There was a park they were going to, anyone remember the name of it?" Wade interjected.

"They didn't say the name of it before they left." Amy sighed in exasperation.

"So what do we do?" Tyler frowned thoughtfully.

"We'll have to postpone the VIP thing until we track down Mark." Bob decided with much reluctance, peeking past the curtains at the sea of eager fans waiting for them.

"Where should we start looking for them then?" Ethan prompted.

"We could start at the police station." Amy suggested.

"He hasn't been missing for long, we don't need to bring the police into this. Mark and Jack probably killed their phones while vlogging or something." Tyler reasoned.

"But we could call Signe." Ethan mused.

Amy nodded as she pulled up Signe's number, listening to the phone ring as she waited for her to pick up.

"Hello?" Signe spoke up hesitantly.

"Hey, do you know where Sean is?" Amy asked hopefully.

"No, I thought he was at the theatre backstage with you guys." Signe replied.

"Is everything okay?" Signe continued worriedly.

"Everything's fine, it's just that Mark is late for his VIP experience." Amy assured her hastily.

"Oh, well they might by at the Rookery Rock Garden, I know Sean likes going there a lot when he wants to be alone to think." Signe guessed.

"Alright, thanks bye." Amy stated before hanging up, looking up directions for the garden Signe mentioned.

"You guys stay here and try to entertain the favs, I'm going to look for Mark and Jack." Amy instructed as she marched towards the back door of the theatre.

"Remember to punch them for us!" Bob called out teasingly as she left before working with the others to make a plan to distract the fans temporarily until Mark showed up.

Amy drove slightly above the speed limit in the car she had rented to explore the area with due to her anxiousness, her knuckles ghostly white from clutching the steering wheel too tight.

Once she arrived at the park, she felt her face fall when she saw the police already there with the area quarantined.

"What happened?" Amy demanded as she jogged up to a pair of male officers reviewing evidence.

"There was an accident about an hour ago involving two men, both of them missing in these woods." The officer on the right explained grimly.

"There was a young boy at the scene as witness who took this video." The other officer interjected as he showed Amy his phone.

Amy covered her mouth in shock when she saw Mark on screen climbing a tree to reach a kite before he fell with a sickening thud to the ground that made her face pale.

"That's my boyfriend." Amy whispered in disbelief, wishing that it wasn't him, wishing that he and Sean was okay, wishing that she had been there with them.

Instead she was here alone at the scene of their possible death.

"You know him?" The officer on the right prompted gently.

"The guy climbing the tree, he's my boyfriend Mark Fischbach. The other guy is Sean McLoughlin, a friend of mine." Amy stated as calmly as she could despite the tears welling up in her eyes.

"I-I need to tell my friends, they were supposed to be doing a performance soon." Amy started as she turned to run back to her car.

"My name is Officer Jim and my partner is Officer William, if you have any more info that could help us, give us a call." The left officer instructed as he handed her a card.

Amy snatched it before going to her car, not bothering to buckle up as she raced off to tell the others what she learned.

She never noticed the traffic light change from green to red as she raced down the street.

Just as she almost reached the theatre, a car slammed into the passenger side of her car, causing her to spin out of control before the car rolled over onto its side, dumping her out of her seat to against her car door with a bang.

Amy's vision faded in and out of focus as well as her hearing as she struggled to lift her head up to find her phone and call for help.

"H-he-lp, pl-ease." Amy begged softly to the air, her entire body screaming in pain as her vision grew darker and darker by the moment.

Just before Amy lost consciousness, she saw Officer Jim and Officer William kneel down in front of the car door separating them with sledge hammers in hand.

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