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"I'm fucking terrified." Ethan admitted to the group as they stood over Amy's broken body, thinking of Mark and Sean's disappearance and the accident.

"I know." Tyler agreed with a solemn nod.

"It's been a day and neither of them have been found, I mean..." Bob trailed off.

"They're still alive, and Amy will be fine!" Wade snapped, brown eyes glinting with fierce determination that made him look different than the Wade they constantly made fun of.

Everything went to hell when Mark and Jack came crashing through the room window in a flash of vibrant pink and green, shard of glass flying everywhere.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Ethan yelled in pure terror, his wide in fear as he watched the two creatures that looked like his friends fought viciously against each other.

A doctor ran in to check on them, but quickly ran back out after noticing the two beings.

"Just die already Anti, you're a pathetic bastard!" The creature that looked like Mark snarled furiously, his wings fully extended.

"Says the bitch that left me to die Dark!" The being apparently called Anti shot back, swiping at the other being named Dark with his claw like hands.

Dark hissed in pain as Anti's talon-like nails raked across his face, leaving three angry, long scratches that had begun to bleed slightly.

"What the hell is happening?!" Wade shouted as he kept his distance from them, standing in the doorway of the room with the others.

"We can't leave Amy." Tyler spoke up, going back inside after her.

"Tyler!" Ethan cried, reaching out towards his friend to stop him.

His fingers barely grazed Tyler's fingertips before he was too far from him to do anything except watch him go.

Tyler growled in frustration as he tried to think of a way to bring Amy out of the room, coming up with nothing since she was hooked up to a life support system that was the only thing keeping her alive.

"What do you want?" Anti prompted Tyler, glaring at him.

"I-I want to help my friend." Tyler stammered, fear shining in his silver-blue eyes.

"Friends...they aren't worth it, not when they betray you." Dark scowled bitterly.

"She hasn't." Tyler replied, sounding braver by mustering what courage he had.

"Ah, friends always will one day." Anti chuckled coldly.

"Go." Dark commanded, using his wing to shove Tyler out of the room before turning to cut Amy's life support much to her friends' horror.

"Let her live, please!" Ethan begged, tears rapidly welling up in his baby blue eyes.

"I'm only helping you all realize that you'll lose your friends one way or another. Trust me, I'm doing you all a favor." Dark explained calmly before turning to face Anti.

Before anyone else could attempt to rescue Amy, Dark slammed the door shut with a gust of wind he created using his wing.

"Now where were we?" Anti replied emotionlessly.

"I think we were at the part where I finally killed you like I should've the day we met." Dark retorted as he lunged towards the demon.

Anti retaliated by tackling Dark to the ground, raising his hands to deliver the fatal blow.

But he too hesitated.

Dark used his moment of indecision to shove him off and stand back up, standing in a defensive position.

Anti didn't move from the ground, his knees curled up to his chest and his face hidden from Dark.

Dark noticed his shoulders shake in silent sobs like they did when Dark first met him, the sound heartbreaking despite the fact that they were enemies.

Or so Dark thought.

Dark sighed as he kneeled down by him, bowing his head as he comfortingly wrapped a wing around Anti and cried too.

He cried for his family, his home, and his old life before the Hybrids.

But he cried the hardest fur the friendship he missed having with Anti so much that it felt like there was a gaping black hole in his heart that couldn't be filled no mater how many demons he could kill.

"I'm sorry." Dark apologized sincerely, wiping his tears away with the back of his hand.

"Me too." Anti sniffled, looking over at Dark with glittering crystal blue eyes that looked like jewels.

"We're such idiots." Dark chuckled quietly, smiling sadly through his remaining tears.

"You're not wrong." Anti admitted with a smirk.

" what?" Anti frowned.

"Doing something I should've awhile ago." Dark answered, standing up before offering Anti a hand up as well.

He placed a hand on his chest and used his demon powers to extract his angel grace.

He held the ball of white light in his hands before using it to heal Amy completely, causing it to disappear.

Dark's wings gradually molted away, the pink feathers fluttering to the floor before being swept out the window by the wind.


"It's okay, I'll be okay." Dark interrupted with another sad smile that Anti was starting to hate seeing, hating to see Dark hurt because of him.

"Now that she's okay, it's about time we returned to where he came from." Dark stated.

"Are you sure?" Anti prompted.

"Yeah. This isn't our time anymore, it's been centuries since the Hybrids have gone extinct and demons were sent to Hell while angels were sent to Heaven. Even if we can't find Heaven, I'll walk through Hell with you." Dark assured his friend, taking Anti's clawed hand in his.

Together they left the bodies of their hosts, their silhouettes hugging each other tight before they disappeared.

Mark and Jack looked around in confusion, unsure of how they had arrived at the hospital or why they were there.

"Mark!" Amy cried happily, wrapping her arms around him.

"What the hell happened?" Jack interjected, opening the door to find Tyler, Ethan, Bob, Wade, and Kathryn standing outside.

"Long story I don't even know how to explain." Ethan chimed in.

"Speaking of explaining, where were you guys?" Bob spoke up.

Jack and Mark exchanged glances, both knowing where to begin.

"We found the legends that never die."

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