Fight On

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Years passed as the two former friends trained hard in their own ways to be able to find each other and make one another pay.

Dark stayed with the Hybrids and helped build a village of their own away from those that didn't accept them, choosing a cliffside to make it harder for Shadows to reach.

Meanwhile, Anti had become a valuable member of a team of demons that referred to themselves as the Sinful Seven, killing angels when they came across them and creating a mutual agreement with the Shadows to give them angel grace if they kept others away from them.

"You've gotten stronger." Xielif, head of the Hybrids, remarked to Dark as he watched him hone his fighting skills with his two blades.

"That's the plan." Dark muttered in concentration as he slashed at the mud dummy in front of him, cleanly beheading it.

"I came to tell you that we've found a hoard of Shadows in the woods below that are frightening the people, and I need someone to take care of them while I stay here and watch over the others." Xielif explained.

"Great, I'll go." Dark replied as he lowered his weapons, turning to face the white haired male.

"Good. Be careful out there." Xielif instructed as he patted Dark on the shoulder.

Dark nodded before taking off into the air, easily able to see the large Shadows from his vantage point.

Dark flew towards them like a bullet through the trees, eager to fight.

Dark flew towards the face of one, a foot extended in front of him with his arms extended backwards, his wings fluttering behind him.

"Gotcha." Dark grunted once he landed on its face, stabbing it in the eyes.

The Shadow creature roared in pain, causing the others to notice that Dark was there.

Dark finished off the Shadow he had hurt before moving onto the next one, adrenaline pumping through his veins.

"What the fuck?!"

Dark looked below to see Anti staring up at him, his appearance much different than the last time Dark saw him.

Dark felt a flash of guilt and remorse before pushing it aside, knowing his job.

Kill all demons and Shadows.

That's what keeps him and his friends safe.

Dark ignored Anti for the time being until he had swiftly killed all of the Shadows.

Dark then dive bombed towards the ground, pulling up just in time to land gracefully in front of Anti.

"So, you really did become a Hybrid." Anti remarked sourly.

"So you really did become a demon." Dark countered.

"And your job is to kill me." Anti added emotionlessly.

"And your job is to make me a demon like you." Dark sneered back.

"You left me to die-"

"You kept me from saving my family! I loved my brother and father with all of my heart...they were all I had, and you took them away from me." Dark whispered remorsefully, swallowing hard to fight back tears.

"So are you going to kill me now?" Anti prompted coldly.

"I don't know." Dark admitted, hating the torn feeling he felt.

Anti was his enemy.

Why couldn't he kill him?

"If I ever see you again, I won't be as merciful." Dark threatened as he took off into the air, using all of his willpower to keep from looking back.

"Woah, that's a badass story." Sean remarked once Mark finished reading it, warming his hands by the fire he and Mark had worked to create to dry them off.

"I know...but why is it here?" Mark wondered aloud.

"I dunno, it's probably a fanfic some person just graffitied in the cave." Sean guessed with a shrug.

"Well, at least the rain finally stopped." Mark remarked optimistically, doing his best to stave off the pain in his leg.

"I still can't believe no one has found us yet." Sean sighed in irritation, shooting a worried glance at Mark.

"How're you holding up?" He asked.

"It fucking hurts like hell, but I'll live." Mark answered with a grimace.

Sean stood up and stretched, freezing when he looked at the cave wall.

His shadow was still sitting by the fire, his fingers shaped like claws.

"I think I'm going crazy." Sean muttered as he rubbed his eyes.

That was when the shadow peeled off of the wall.

"We've been waiting for a host so we may continue our fight." Sean's shadow hissed, causing shivers to run down his spine.

"Only those we deemed worthy were allowed in here. You two are the perfect hosts." Mark's shadow spoke up as he too came alive off of the wall.

Before either could protest, they saw their shadows lungs towards them before darkness encompassed their vision.

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