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Why you broke up

Stranger Things

-It was because of Eleven
-You thought he was cheating on you with her
-It just really seemed like it to you
-He started hanging out with her a lot, ditching you for El, etc
-"Mike... I can't do this anymore."
-You cried a lot explaining it to him
-"Baby, I'm not cheating on you!"
-"How would I know!?"
-You just told him it was over and ran off

-Actually, he was the one who did it
-He thought he was putting too much pressure on you
-Ever since he got back from the Upside Down, things changed
-He thought that you didn't like him anymore because of what happened with the Mind Flayer
-"Y/n, we have to break up."
-"What!? Why!?"
-After he explained, you broke down in tears
-"W-Willy, I don't care about that! I love you as you are!"
-"I'm sorry..."

-It was because of your past
-When you guys hated each other, it was really hard for you to make up completely
-You would get into a lot of dumb fights
-One day, he just freaked out
-"I'm done, okay!? I can't!"
-You left, literally crying your eyes out

-It was because of his family
-His parents thought you weren't good enough for him, and Erica teased him a lot
-He got fed up with it and ended it with you
-You didn't fully understand, but you acted as if you did
-You acted okay, but you really weren't
-You cried for the longest time

-It was because of Billy
-He eventually found out that his sister was dating a girl and flipped his sh*t
-"This isn't happening, you little sh*t!"
-Max was forced to end it, although she didn't want to
-You both cried for weeks


-He thought he was a burden to you
-He thought his stutter was just an annoyance
-"Y-Y/n... I'm done. I can-can't don't this any-anymore."
-"Bill, please..."
-You tried to understand, but couldn't
-You gave up trying to understand and left

-He cheated on you
-I mean, we all saw it coming
-You found out from Eddie, who lost it when he caught him
-"Y/n, it's Richie. He cheated on you. I'm telling you this as your brother. He just... I'm sorry."
-Disappointed, but not surprised. Just DiSaPpOiNtEd
-The next time Richie tried to talk to you, you just screamed at him and told him to never talk to you again

-His mom
-If it isn't obvious
-His mom hated your relationship, and wasn't having it any longer
-"Eddie, I swear, end it with that girl. Now."
-But mommy-"
-He was the one who cried, actually
-You understood
-But you were still broken

-Himself in general
-He just thought he wasn't good enough for you
-Which isn't true but ya know
-"I'm so sorry, Y/n."
-Apologized 47294729 times
-You didn't think he was not good enough, if anything you thought you weren't good enough for him

-he never hung out with you anymore
-he was always on the farm or making meat deliveries
-he promised he'd take you to the school dance but he didn't
-you got tired of ignorance and broke up with him
-you were both equally depressed

-you found him flirting with bev
-he said he was over her but apparently not
-you sat and watched and he kissed her
-you ran away crying and then called ben
-you told him off and broke up with him
-you thought he was a good, decent guy, but now in your eyes he was evil

-Her dad found out about you
-He w a s n o t c a l m
-Forced her to break up with you
-"My Bevvy isn't going to be dating boys, but girls!? No!"
-Bev actually lost it
-She broke down and cried for once in her life about this
-You cried together

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