What's Wrong?

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|I'm starting to enjoy writing so I'll probably upload daily (don't expect too much tho)|

It was only a few minutes until class was over. The tension was killing me. In just a few minutes I would be able to see Yuri again after our exchange. For some reason, I was scared-scared that maybe she'd act different around me or try to be someone she's not. I just wanted things to be the same as always. After all, I want her to be who she is that's why I'm with her. I take a deep breath as class ends and I dart to the club room. Once I arrived, I was surprised to see Monika there before Yuri.

"Hi Natsuki~"

She said in a whimsical tone.

"Where's Yuri!"

I accidentally said out loud. Monika looked at me with a confused expression then nervously laughed.

"Dude, class just ended wait one fucking second."

I looked at her surprised since I'd Never heard her say anything like that let alone curse. I let out a "Hmph!" And quickly sat at the nearest desk. It was silence between us then on. I took the opportunity to read Yuri's book, that I took extra care to make sure i had this time. I was so close to finishing, with only 20 pages left. I continued to read until Monika began to interrogate me.

"Why is your only concern Yuri?"

I pretended like I couldn't hear her.

"Like, the festival is a few days away and you haven't done shit to help me and Sayori!"

I felt like I was about to cry. I knew every word she said was true which made it hurt even more. Despite the fact she knew what she was doing to me she continued to speak.

"I mean, Yuri isn't even that cool anywa-"


I couldn't take anymore of her bullshit. I snapped at her, grabbed my bag, then darted out of the room. Pushing past Yuri and Sayori who had just got there. I decided to hide in the bathroom and intended to stay there until the meeting ended. I didn't care if Yuri was there now. I couldn't stand the way Monika talked about Yuri behind her back. Once I finally stopped crying I heard the bathroom door creek open and Yuri's voice speak out.

"Natsuki! Are you in here? I wanna talk."

I brought my knees to my chest and slowed my breathing to stay hidden in the stall. I wasn't ready to talk to anyone. Even if it was Yuri. I heard her sigh.

"Guess I have to do this the hard way..."

Confused by what she meant I looked around.


Her head poked out from the bottom of the stall and I was glad it was the biggest stall in the room. She started to crawl under laughing the whole time.

"Do you know how dirty the floor is?"

I said, still a little pissy from earlier.

"Pft I don't care!"

She pulled me off of the bathroom sink I was sitting on and changed to a serious expression.

"H-Hey I saw you run out crying earlier what happened?"

She wrapped her arms around me in a side hug as if she were trying to hold me captive to force an answer from me. I let out a loud sigh and forced myself to talk.

"Monika was being a bitch."

"Ohhhh... yeah, she does that sometimes."

She said to me laughing. I didn't tell her what she said-or what she said the week before-and the week before that. Monika always said those things about Yuri and I hated it. She got up and offered me her hand. I grabbed it and she pulled me to my feet. She didn't let go of my hand and practically dragged me to the club room. She was satisfied she got an answer from me and I was glad. I felt a lot better with Yuri around. I felt like I could get through anything as long as she was there. We neared the club room and I prepared myself to speak to Monika.

We Are Okay. 《DDLC Natsuki x Yuri》Where stories live. Discover now