A Lil Somthin Extra

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[I wasn't planning on writing anything so.... here ya go.]

All of us worked in a comfortable silence as we prepared for the festival. Monika and Sayori worked on making  pretty flyers to advertise the poetry "performance" we were planning to do.  We were planing to not only share poems of our own, but also get others to join in and possibly become members. At least that's what Monika wanted. If we got new members this place would be just like any other stupid club I come here because it feels safe, cozy if you will. Yuri worked on making decorations for the festival. Things to help give off a nice welcoming vibe. Me on the other hand, I just sat there. My job was to bake cupcakes for the festival, though I couldn't do that until I got home. I continued to sit there, watching Yuri cutting and pasting with a faint smile. She looked up to me and I realized that I was starting I quickly diverted my eyes before hearing Yuri's voice.

"Natsuki you can help me if you'd like."

I looked at her and she signaled me to take a seat next to her on the floor. I got up from my desk and sat as close as I could without being annoying.

"You can help by cutting all these here."

She pointed to sheets of purple construction paper with dotted lines showing where to cut while handing me a pair of scissors. She quickly returned to her work and we continued in silence with the occasional sound of Sayori and Monika bickering. I scooted closer to Yuri in hopes she wouldn't notice. I feel her shift to place her scissors down then felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I could feel my heart beat fast as I nudged myself further into her chest. My hands were hurting from all of the continuous cutting, so it was nice to be able to relax. She rested her chin on my head and I could feel myself falling asleep. I couldn't really help it either. I hadn't eaten in a while and tf position I was in wasn't making it any eaiser to stay awake. In what seemed like minutes Yuri kissed me on the cheek and softly spoke.

"Hey, let's get back to work alright?"


I said in a shaky tone. It was the first word I said all day and the fact Yuri was so close to me made it even harder to speak. I couldn't help but give into Yuri's kindness. I sighed and got back to work. We both knew the faster we got this done the better. Yhe end of the club meeting was getting closer and closer and by the time it arrived we had gotten everything done. I smiled and looked over to Yuri who got up to stretch.

"Yay! I'm so glad we got it all done!"

I heard sayori chirp cheerfully to Monika. 

"Did you get everything done Yuri?"

I asked. She just nodded and went over to grab her bag. I went over and did the same. Sayori saw me and ran over to give me a big hug. I smiled and was quick to hug her back. Monika tagged along with Sayori quickly saying "See you at the festival." While being practically pulled away. Yuri walked up to me silent, making sure to carefully choose her words.

"So you still have cupcakes to make right?"

I let out a loud sigh. I forgot I still had much more work to do with the baking.

"I was wondering if I could help out."

"Wait bu-"

She was quick to cut me off, knowing that is have some sort of reason she couldn't come to my house.

"You can come to my house! I Know you don't like people coming to your house so.... you can come over to my house and... I have all the ingredients so-"

She looked like she was about to cry whether it was because she was sad, overwhelmed, or frustrated from her inability to say what she wanted to say I was unsure I just knew I had to do something so I just hugged her.

"I'd love to"

She started to blush as I held her hand and we walked to get house.

We Are Okay. 《DDLC Natsuki x Yuri》Where stories live. Discover now