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chapter three

"You put a rune on her?"

     The walk from the Pandemonium to the Institute made Damien realized why he loved New York City so much. Unlike Idris, it was so alive. The sensation of all of the yellow taxi cabs zooming past him as he walked down the sidewalk, the different kinds of people, not to mention the sounds of the car honking at other cars and pedestrians. Though he loved his home, New York was so active, which was something Damien always admired. It took him a while to get used to when he first moved, but now, it was something he couldn't live without.

     The arrival at the Institute, and once they had gotten Jace to the infirmary despite his protests that he was fine was the cue that let them know it was safe to talk about the Mundane they had just met. "I know this will probably sound crazy," Damien began, "but you guys do realize that if she has the Sight she's probably not a Mundane." Jace ran his fingers through his hair with his good arm angrily.

     "That was what I was trying to tell you guys before the demon attacked Jace," Alec argued. Damien let out a sigh. He could tell how worried about Jace Alec was, and he only wished Jace would see it. If there was one thing Alec deserved, it was happiness. Damien only wished it could be with him.

     "Someone has to go out and find her, just in case she'll tell anyone," Isabelle said, leaning up against the wall of the Infirmary. "Or someone will find her." After a minute or so of Alec drawing an Iratze rune on Jace, as it was stronger if one's Parabatai drew it on their other half. Damien himself had never wanted a Parabatai. Since he was a boy, he worked better alone, and it was better that way. The only person he trusted enough in battle was Alec anyways. Damien crossed his arms across his chest.

     "Let me go talk to Hodge, we shouldn't act without him knowing, especially since she's a Mundane," Damien suggested. The group nodded their heads, and without another word Damien turned and started walking to Hodge's office.

     He opened the door to Hodge's office, and out of the corner of his eye, noticed the Institute's cat Church sitting on the chair next to Hodge's desk. Damien stepped towards the cat, scratching him on the head. Hodge's voice echoed through the room without warning, causing him to jump a little.

     "Is there something wrong, Damien?" Hodge asked as he sat down in front of the boy on the opposite end of the desk.

     Damien began to explain what happened, from the blue-haired demon and the mundane to the demon attacking Jace and him having to kill it, as well as more information about Valentine. At the end of explaining what happened, Hodge let out a sigh. "And the girl just left without saying a word to anyone?" Hodge asked.

     "Yeah," Damien replied with a nod of his head. "Her friend came with the police, and she just said it was a mistake." After thinking for a moment, Hodge finally responded.

     "Send Jace to go find her in the morning," he ordered.

     "I'll go tell him now."

     Just as Damien was about to turn to head out of the fairly large office, Hodge stopped him. "Damien, keep me updated, will you?" Hodge asked. Damien thought it was strange, as Hodge usually trusted them to take care of things on their own now that they were old enough, though he still said yes.

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