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I wake up to rough hands grabbing me. They are attached to ruddy arms with blond woolly hair. I stare up at Hunter’s fierce face, and it takes me a moment to realize I’m not in Sugar's body. I’m in Frankie’s. And this is the hotel room I will die from.

I struggle against Hunter as he raises a Billy club over my head. Then all I see are stars. I stop struggling and my body goes limp. I can feel Hunter wrap the sheets around me, set me on the floor and drag me over to the window.

I hear him smashing the pane of the window with the Billy club as the blood from my temple gushes onto the sheets. Yes this is the way it was, the way it really was. The way I was really murdered, and I feel some satisfaction in knowing that I remembered the truth about it, resisting the lies they had inserted in me before.

Then Hunter is hoisting me up, poising my body before the fresh open air. Up and out and falling once again.


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