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        Sai sighed as he crossed his arms over his chest. He remained sitting down on the wooden bench as his gaze followed y/n's figure. His narrowed eyes burned holes into Naruto's back, the blonde boy didn't have a clue.
        "Hey y/n-chan, what kind of ice cream are you getting? I'm getting chocolate!" He said and looked over to the struggling girl, she bit her lip and sighed.

        Sai and y/n thought it would be a good idea to get an ice cream on this hot day in konoha! So Sai decided to give y/n the money and wait on a bench not too far away. What a gentleman he was...

        Y/n rubbed the back of her neck and said "well Sai is getting a vanilla and I'm going to get a [insert favourite ice cream flavour]!" Y/n wore a matching grin as she looked back at the man at the ice cream stand.
        He nodded his head and started to finish up on Naruto's cone. Once the dark haired male finished, he passed the cone to Naruto who grinned even wider and said his thanks.

        "Mind if I hang out with you for a while?!" He questioned, completely forgetting the fact you were with Sai. Naruto just wanted to spend time with his ol' friend! It sure has been a while!

        "Yeah sure, I'll grab our ice creams and we could start heading over to meet with Sai." Y/n glanced in the said male's direction, waving to him.

        "Oh... Sai Huh?" Naruto questioned and sweat dropped as he looked away. He didn't mind the guy at all now a days, but he didn't like y/n hanging out with him. The last time the three of them hung out, Sai kept embarrassing him! Calling him dickless and other insulting names.
        Once y/n got the two ice creams she started to walk back to Sai. She didn't seem to notice the sharp gaze in Naruto's direction. Who also seemed to not notice. When y/n made it in front of Sai, his eyes were glaring up at Naruto.

        The blond boy sweat dropped and looked away, gulping as he bit his lip. "Y'know... the ice cream is good, believe it!" He started to lick his ice cream, hoping the boy would lay off for now.

        Sai mustered up a fake smile as y/n handed him his vanilla ice cream. He then wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her onto his lap. "You could sit here y/n-chan." Sai instead and motioned for Naruto to sit down beside him.
        Y/n was blushing a bright red as she sat on Sai's lap. She looked over to Naruto then over to the peaceful looking Sai. The h/c haired girl mouthed a quick apology to the hyperactive male. This earned her a nod and a light grunt in response.

        "Y/n isn't your ice cream good?" Sai questioned curiously, noticing how she wasn't eating hers. He looked slightly concerned, his eyes scanning the melting treat.

       "Oh yeah, of course it is Sai." Y/n answered simply, a small smile on her lips as she started to enjoy her ice cream as well. She smiled as Sai pressed his lips to her cheek softly.
        He made sure to keep them there a few minutes until he pulled away. This earned an exaggerated sigh from Naruto and a red face from y/n. Y/n tried to hide her flustered features by looking away and humming as she licked her ice cream.

       Naruto was completely frustrated by the time you all finished your ice creams. The blonde found it hard to watch Sai (out of all people) perform PDA. Not only is it very awkward, but he doesn't seem to be fazed one bit by it.

        Sai pressed another kiss to your lips, which was the last straw for Naruto. The blonde then shot up from his seat and pointed to the pale male. Who only stared up at him, unfazed.

       "You're so annoying dattebayo! Can't you stop locking lips for one moment?!" The blonde was (of course) over exaggerating, this almost triggered Sai's answer immediately.

        "You're right..." he took a long pause, a concentrated look on his pale face. Sai's eyes closed as he pointed his finger up, as if stating a fact. "Why should I feel threatened by a dickless male such as yourself?"

       This caused you to gulp and stand up. You're face turned pale as he said those words and blue depression lines covered your eyes. Though Sai did not sense Naruto glaring daggers at him.

        "N-Naruto... w-we must be leaving... w-we'll see you around!" y/n grabbed Sai's arm and pulled him along.

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