"The One That I Need" (Grease Au pt. 2)

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//randomly cute Sai Media-

As class slowly passed by, y/n was soon lulling to sleep. Head in her hands- unaware of the teacher who stood in front of her desk, staring down at the sleepy student. Who was merely motionless.
"Detention," Kakashi's ruler made contact with the desk, creating a loud slamming sound and giggles to erupt from around the classroom. Shikamaru was surprised that he hadn't fallen asleep before she did, slightly jolting awake from the noise himself.

"I-I'm sorry! But I have the bus after school!" Y/n begged, clasping her hands together, hoping the strict teacher would let her off the hook this once! Anime tears streamed down her face, suddenly a screech of a chair was heard and a large crash.

"Ah! He pushed me," Suigetsu pointed to Sai. Who was awkwardly sitting there, confused frown on his lips as his classmates looked back at him. He didn't seem to have the slightest clue on what was running through his friend's head.

"Sai, detention as well."

"This blows..." y/n mumbled as she wrote on the chalk board. Kakashi instructed her to write 'I must not sleep in class,' on the board 50 times. So as she was filling up the chalk board, Sai just watched the beautiful girl at work.

He was suppose to be making his own sentences on the board on the back wall. Sai has only gotten 12 out of 80 done.
'Math is not a physical sport,' not that it was a sport in general.

"Hey... could you stop looking at me like that?" Y/n's voice met Sai's ears. Annoyance laced in her words slightly. Though she was normally a sweet girl, she felt like she needed to have her guard up around these guys.

"O-oh yeah..." Sai fell out of his trance and awkwardly stared back at his board. A small cough escaping his lips as he scanned the lines. He was only at twelve! He really needed to get to work on these.
"So... you're Kiba's cousin? Right?" Sai tried to clarify, as if the whole school didn't already know that from Kiba's constant blabber. 'My cousin is coming next week!' 'I can't wait!'

"Yeah... but call me y/n," the Inuzuka gave a small smile before she turned back to her board. As Sai looked back to his board as well, red in the face from the cute smile he received.
'W-why is my face so hot?'
Pale hands cupped his own cheeks, white chalk coming off of his fingers. Sai seemed slightly worried about himself, the last time this has happened was when he was called out in class- embarrassment? Why was he embarrassed? That couldn't be it...

"I'm Sai... could I show you around after this?" Sai spoke, blunt voice causing y/n's cheeks to heat up as well. "You know... like a date?" He only causes her to become more flustered and breathless.

"B-but we just met... I-i shouldn't even be talking to you right now!" The girl insisted, staring down at her chalk as she spoke these words. Too shy to look up from the small piece.

"Oh? Is that so? Why wouldn't you be talking to me?" Sai tilted his head, confused as to why she'd say such a thing. "Do your parents not want you talking to boys?" He asked in a teasing voice.

Thinking back to Kiba, y/n bit her lip and scratched the back of her neck. "Hm... something like that I guess," she heard footsteps approaching her from behind. Before she knew it, there was a hand on the small of her back, gently.

"Well... how about we get out of here and they don't need to know," Sai gave another close-eyed smile, causing y/n to turn a dark red again.

"Hm... I'm done mine..." she motioned to her chalk board. "But wouldn't you get in trouble if Kakashi knew you didn't finish your own?" The question was so easily dodged by the male.

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