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Yo! I recently made a Shikamaru x Reader so please check that out my dudes ^^

A small grin played on the girl's lips as she walked alongside her boyfriend and towards the door. Her tight fitting witch costume hugged her curves in all the right places, while Sai on the other hand just got her to draw whiskers and a nose on his face so he could pass off as a cat.
As Sai grabbed the candy dish, y/n opened the door and smiled generously. There stood the Hyūgas. Neji and Hinata accompanying Hanabi on her trick or treating journey! How cute!

It seemed that Neji was a vampire, Hinata was an angel and Hanabi was a mummy. All very unique costumes from one another.
"Hey guys!" Y/n grinned as she motioned for Sai to join her at the door and give the young girl candy. "I see you guys are getting into the Halloween spirit~" y/n said in a sing-song voice. Causing Neji's cheeks to heat up, Hinata to giggle and Hanabi to grin softly up at y/n.

Sai gave Hanabi some candy, while handing both Neji and Hinata a sucker. He then placed the bowl back down and wrapped an arm around y/n's shoulders. A small- fake as usual smile on his face as he stared at the three of them.
"Are you guys suppose to be matching? Maybe a witch and her cat?" Hinata giggled and popped her lollipop into her mouth and gave a sweet smile to the couple.

"Erm no not r-" Sai was almost immediately cut off by his girlfriend.

"Pffttt... Of course we are!" The girl's lips formed a small grin as she pressed a soft kiss to Sai's cheek and rubbed his back softly.
"Oh right, that's correct," Sai corrected himself which caused Hinata to let out another angelic giggle as she glanced to Neji.

"Did you h-hear that Naruto-kun is throwing a party?" She checked her watch, it was around six pm and she looked up to Sai and y/n. "You g-guys should come! I'm sure we'd all love to see you there."
Then the three were off again, moving down the block, searching for candy for Hinata's younger sister.

"Hey we should totally go Sai!" Y/n grinned and wrapped her arms around the dark haired male's neck, who sweat dropped and rubbed the back of his head.
"Oh... I don't think Naruto-san likes me too much..." he seemed unsure but got a reassuring smile from his girlfriend whose smile turned into a small smirk.

"If you do  you'll get a sweet treat~" she teasingly winked.

"Oh... tootsie rolls?"

"Y'know what? Sure..." y/n pouted as she let out a soft sigh. The h/c-haired girl would let her parents take over giving out the candy.

"It's really loud in here," Sai pointed out the obvious as both him and y/n looked around, letting out a small unsure sigh. He didn't know if it was a good idea to be there, people seemed to be getting a little wild.
Y/n shook her head and chuckled as she walked towards the kitchen. "Do you want something to drink hon?" She asked and looked back to Sai who shook his head and walked towards where he saw Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke.

Y/n smiled, plastic cup in her left hand as she walked towards the four of them. She immediately grabbed Sai's hand and wrapped it around her shoulders, causing a smile to grow onto Sakura's face.
"So, are you guys suppose to be matching?" She giggled, thinking it was funny that y/n tried so hard with her costume and Sai's costume was literally a few lines on his face- turning him into a kitty.

"Yeah- very creative costume Sai," Naruto said sarcastically and sipped his cup, draping an arm around Sasuke's shoulders in a friendly manner as he looked between both Sai and y/n.

"Thanks Naruto," everyone around laughed as Sai didn't pick up the blonde's sarcasm. It was only Sai who didn't understand why they were all laughing.

As the two stumbled through the door, Sai sweat dropped and let his girlfriend lean on his shoulder a little too much. She had a little too much fun at the party and he was stuck taking care of her. Not that he didn't want to, he really cared about her so of course he'd take good care of her.
"I love you so much Sai!" Y/n poked his chest, scratching her cheek lightly as she was sat down on the couch by her nodding boyfriend. He didn't really seem to give much attention to her, trying to find a spare pair of pyjamas around the living room he could lend her.

So he pulled out a pair of shorts and a tank top, he walked towards her and gave a small smile. "Pleas don't make this harder than it has to be y/n-chan," he requested and earned a devilish smirk in return.

"You act like you don't *hic* know me honey~"

If you guys are like reading but not voting—
Wtf man? I'm writing this for you but y'all can't even vote? Can't be that hard can it? My first chap has like 300 reads (thank ya for that) but has only- guess. 6 votes?? That's crazy ;-;

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