Love Rivals (x slight! Shikamaru)

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Once this book hits 100 likes I'm making a Shikamaru Nara x reader book! So if you're a silent reader who likes Shikamaru- it would be great if you would help :D this is a Sai x Reader x Slight! Shikamaru.

"Shikamaru, hurry up!" A bright smile played on the young girl's lips as she led Shikamaru down the grassy hill. They were taking a short cut to the beach, where they'd meet Sai and Naruto.

Of course Naruto had a problem with Sai being there. But Sai had an even bigger problem with Shikamaru and Y/n being there- with no supervision from himself! He needed to make sure Shikamaru wouldn't make a move on y/n so he convinced Naruto to let him tag along.

Shikamaru grabbed y/n's hand in his bigger one, making sure the girl would be careful as they descended the hill. "Hey... y/n, I was thinking... would you like to hang out after the beach? Maybe go out to the barbecue place?" The Nara looked away, cheeks slightly reddening.

"Really? I've never seen you as some sly operator Shikamaru-," y/n was cut off when she heard a loud holler of both her and Shikamaru's names.
"Y/n-chan! Shikamaru!" Naruto flailed, trying to get their attention to him and Sai. Who awkwardly eyed the two. As they approached, Sai couldn't help but stare at their connected hands.

"Hey Y/n," Sai smiled his fake smile and walked towards the girl. He wrapped is arms around her and made sure to pull her away from Shikamaru, disconnecting their hands. The three besides Sai were visibly shocked by his moves. For they knew of Sai's incapability of showing affection. But he seemed to constantly be displaying jealousy!

Once Sai pulled away, he failed to notice everyone's shocked gaze on him. But he did take it that y/n liked it from her tainted red cheeks and look of embarrassment. Letting a gulp escape her lips, she turned back to Shikamaru and Naruto.
"L-let's get on with the swimming," she awkwardly cheered and started to head towards the water. Y/n used this as an opportunity to hide her flushed features from the three boys.

She started to take off her over dress, wearing a f/c swimming suit underneath the white material. Glancing back to the boys she waved for them to join her. They were all staring, cheeks pink. Both Shikamaru and Naruto were all embarrassed for their staring while Sai just nodded and started to strip off his over clothes, revealing blue swimming trunks.

"Coming y/n," he replied and ran after the girl. This broke Shikamaru out of his daze as he started to strip down too, wanting to meet y/n there before Sai got to. But he was already too late, the two had already started to ease themselves into the water. Appreciating the coolness on this hot day.

Shikamaru nearly tripped on his trousers that were pooled at his ankles. He ran after them, wearing a pair of green swimming trunks, he kicked his pants away and made his way after the two.
Y/n giggled as Sai splashed a tiny wave of water to her, a gentle smile on his pale features. He liked the way her laugh sounded. Shikamaru sighed as he made his way into the water, slowly. He didn't want to get caught up in this bothersome water fight. That would be too troublesome to deal with.

Y/n smiled and glanced to Shikamaru who was now behind her, a few feet away. "Hey Shikamaru," she grinned and waved playfully to the lazy boy. Who made it obvious he wasn't that big of a fan of the sun.
Without farther warning, Sai had brought his hand through the water, around y/n so she wouldn't get it by the wave. Shikamaru rose an eyebrow as an irk mark grew on his forehead. He was obviously not impressed by Sai's confident move.

"Oh I'm sorry... you just looked a little bothered... so I thought I'd cool you down," Sai's fake smile mocked Shikamaru. Causing him to emit a sigh of annoyance. The calmness in Sai's voice made him even more angered. Acting all cool.

Shikamaru mimicked Sai's move, except doing it on the left side of y/n. Who already had a bad feeling about this sudden war. And she was right to think that.

Minutes later it had become a full out war. Shikamaru and Naruto against Sai! And guess who was in the middle of it? Poor little y/n... she was just having fun... Rip.
"A-ah! Cold! Stop!" With those words spoken, Sai was quick to stop and so was Shikamaru (who had to grab Naruto's wrists to stop him from splashing the annoyed-looking y/n).

"What's up with you two?! You've been glaring, verbally pummelling each other all the time- and now this?!" Silence was all that was heard in response to y/n's angered outburst. The h/c haired girl narrowed her eyes on both of the shameful-looking boys.

"I'm going home!" Y/n was done with this, she hated it when they fought! As she walked she heard a voice erupt through the air, causing her to stop, toes in the hot sand.
"Wait! Are we still on for dinner...?" Shikamaru looked disappointed, hope in his voice. It's been a long time since he's sounded so quiet and... sad? He was often so nonchalant.

"Ugh... only if you two figure this out," her glare thickened amongst the two.


"So... how do we figure this out Shikamaru? I don't exactly know what she wants us to find out..." a sweat drop played on Sai's forehead as both him and Shikamaru looked up at the smouldering sun, which had already died down. Shikamaru has only an hour to discuss this with Sai and 'figure things out.'

He didn't want to miss that date!

"Isn't it obvious? She doesn't want us fighting anymore, something like sorting out our differences or whatnot," Shikamaru's hands were under his head as he stared up at the beautifully painted sky.
"Well... What is that suppose to mean Shikamaru?" He questioned and sat up from his towel, they still haven't left the beach but Naruto left a little while after y/n did.

"What a drag. It means we need to stop fighting..." Shikamaru narrowed his eyes to the pale male. He was aware that Sai was trying to psych him out. But he couldn't wait to hear him admit it out loud. Shikamaru's eyes were shut fiRmlY as he listened

"Oh... of course, if that's what she really wants," Sai nodded and checked his watch. "Oh my... it looks like you have merely... half an hour until your dinner plans with y/n... I can't have that... that's like a... date," a small smirk appeared on Sai's lips. A comically dark look appearing on his face.

"Are you alright?" Before Shikamaru could open his eyes, he felt a pain to the back of his head.

Note: Sai is not a yandere! He just decided to deal with this the only way he really knew how to...

"Hey Shikamaru... you came, does that mean you and Sai made up?" Y/n questioned and at the first glance he seemed a little off. His posture was nicer and a soft smile played on his usually scowling lips.

"Of course I am y/n-chan," Shikamaru never called y/n that. Heck even his voice was less grumbly and more smooth. Which reminded y/n of only one other person.

"God dammit Sai, where is Shikamaru?" The growl surprised Sai and caused his- well 'Shikamaru's' eyes to immediately widened.


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