Chapter Eight: Why Are You Being So Nice?

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Chapter Eight: Why Are You Being So Nice?


My head was still reeling from his kiss. I can't believe all of this happened and my head still couldn't get over his lips. They just grazed my lips, but still, I would do anything for them on mine again. Dammit.

This is so cliché like the nerdy girl and the popular guy end up becoming friends for whatever reason and then they slowly start to like each other and then they profess their 'love' and The End. But I don't want to like him, well, I can't, 'cause a girl like me could never get a guy like Pearce. Plus he was a jerk, as the rumours state. I didn't believe rumours but it was hard to ignore them after a few being true. It wasn't possible especially because of Claire Delta. I'm gonna put her in her place, she's not the boss of me. I'm gonna kick her fake arse.

I don't know why he was being such a sweet person all of a sudden. I looked into his eyes, he reminded me of someone . . . who?

His hair fell lazily on to his eyes, his black eyes had specks of blue and green and I just noticed he had a faint dimple . . . very faint. He was wearing a blue polo t-shirt, and baggy jeans that hung low on his waist with his Nike high tops.

He looked at me his genuine smile turned into a smirk as I felt my face heat up. I was checking him out and he noticed.

"So," his smirk didn't leave his face. "did you eat lunch?" he asked.

I couldn't very well say I was poor, but for some reason I wanted him to know. "No,"

"Let's go we'll get something to eat then," he smiled, grabbing my hand sending a million currents all over my body. Dammit. My lips were tingling, so was my waist now my hand. What has he done to me? It's just Pearce he doesn't mean anything. He's a normal guy. I repeated in my head.

"I – I have to go to the library you can go if you'd like," I smiled. Don't tell him! My mind chanted.

"Come on, are you going to starve yourself?" he asked, and for a second I thought maybe he was concerned. But I wiped the thought out of my head. He was just a good actor.

I looked around feeling uncomfortable. "I can't eat, I – I don't have enough money." I said feeling ashamed as I looked at the floor, wringing my hands. What the hell? Now watch him make fun of you.

He pulled me into a hug and smiled at me, to my surprise. "That's fine, we can share," he offered. Pearce! Stop touching me. I groaned internally. So that was completely opposite.

I gave him a pointed look. "I don't need your pity,"

"I'm not pitying you. Fine, if you don't want it then you can starve . . ." he rolled his eyes.

"Why are you being so nice?"

"Why? Popular people can't be nice? I think you're used to the clichés, movies portray," he raised his eyebrow.

He was right, I was being shallow. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be shallow,"

"No, I get it, girls like Claire give us a bad rep," he smiled and led me back to the cafe.

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