Chapter Thirty: Be Your Hero

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Chapter Thirty: Be Your Hero


"Pearce?" I repeated for the fifty millionth time, while he looked at the new device in his hand, playing Temple Run, his face held amazement along with happiness. I pulled the iPad out of his hand. "Pearce!" I yelled again.

"What, man? I was playing that," he whined like a child, pouting, and going as far as to jut his bottom lip out. He looked too cute.

"First of all, stop being such a baby, and secondly, I'm not a man and thirdly, all I wanted was your sister's number," I smiled as I pressed the home button and analyzed his device. The background picture was of our group, when Tahir and Andie and Karmin and Matt were together.

When were they going to get back together? They do know that they were meant for each other. It was heartbreaking seeing Andie and Matt long for Tahir and Karmin, while those two were just avoided the other. Apparently between Karmin and Matt, the roles reversed Karmin started to stay afterschool more she was going for volleyball try-outs, not to mention she was already in the rugby team, tennis team, soft ball, and soccer. The girl was going crazy. While Matt tried to hold himself together, he created his own little space, sure he cracked jokes, but they weren't melodramatic, he wasn't like he was before. The guy was isolating himself. But there was someone he's been having his eye on, and it wasn't Karmin . . . I had a feeling he was going to use jealousy to get her.

Then there was Andie and Tahir. Andie, still had red eyes from crying and just a swollen face. She had no make-up on and she always wore her silky brown curtain of hair in a, messy bun, a ball of curls on her head, not even trying to look presentable. While Tahir was just ignoring her, he came to school, but he didn't seem to care either. Anyone who looked at him could tell he was hurting; he was a mess. His hair was always in a hair tie and he was growing a beard well, it is Movember- (November) the month men grow a beard for people with prostate cancer - makes sense. But he was a mess and he needed Andie badly. Why do men have such big egos for?

"Here," he handed me his phone. I needed Scar's number because she told me she wanted to change my hairstyle up, but we didn't get a chance to, so might as well talk to her. I held the iPad close to me while going through his phone and texting Scar's number to my phone. It had been three days since I'd seen his family. After Pearce told me about the money from Grandma, I decided to go get some glasses and get new wardrobe and I took Pearce with me.

"At least give me my iPad," he groaned.

I grinned mischievously at him and started to run. It was lunch, so half the school population was in the cafeteria while the rest were out, at the plaza a few blocks away.

My small legs carried me down the hall, but I knew he would catch up to me and he was probably going to corner me or something. But while I stood at the end of the hallway, Pearce still hadn't come after me for his phone or iPad. He wouldn't give up. This was his chance to dominate me and kiss me or whatever he had in mind. I retraced my steps finding Claire slobbering all over Pearce and him trying to rip out of her embrace. I felt not jealousy, but anger. Why was she so bent on taking him away from me? What the hell was her problem? Hasn't she done enough?

I stalked up to her, pushing away stupid people that were watching the scene. I grabbed her shoulders and pulled her away, and turned her so she was in front me and staring back.

I handed Pearce his things and turned to look at Claire Delta. Someone needs to put her in her place. I'm done fighting over Pearce, he'd already picked me, what was so hard to figure out?

I glared at her. "What do you think you're doing?" I asked calmly, but I was getting angrier by the minute.

She grinned cheekily. This girl had the audacity to smile after everything she'd done to me. "Nothing, making out with your boyfriend," she grinned cheerily.

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