Chapter Seventeen: Being Used

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Chapter Seventeen: Being Used


She smiled, softly. "Look, I get it, she has problems, it's all right," she looked a little sad.

I was starting to feel bad, I don't lead girls on. That's not what I do. If you haven't noticed already, my image isn't exactly real. I made it up, so nobody finds out about my life at home. I've created the 'player' image by paying people to spread rumours about me. I've slept with the whole cheer team? Not true. Just went out with the girls and bribed the girls to tell people what we did. I could go out with a girl but more than was too much to ask. Claire was just there as well, just a name on a list.

"It's okay, though, 'cause now I'm beginning to feel really bad for being rude to you. You were just helping her," Claire continued, playing with a loose thread on my shirt.

That's true I was just helping her. We were pretending. That didn't mean I could just be nice to her. She was just using me. And that was fine with me so why did I care so much? Why did it hurt? I tried to ignore the feeling.

Claire kissed me lightly on the lips and pulled away but I pushed her towards the wall and kissed her aggressively, she pulled away.

"It's okay, you're a good guy Pearce, you should help her, I'll wait," she smiled and ran off with her friends. Why was I even being a nice guy? What the hell was I doing? Claire was right, I was being used.

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