Chapter Twenty Four: Damn His Acting Skills

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Chapter Twenty Four: Damn His Acting Skills


I looked around and walked to class, making sure Pearce wasn't around. Obviously it wasn't possible because I couldn't see anything far away. I really need new glasses. After the right lens cracked, I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn't notice my glasses falling off my nose and on to the floor which ultimately killed my specs. I ended up having a funeral for them, by throwing them in the garbage it was pretty quick, four to five minutes.

The thought I was so engrossed in was, of course, going through my plan and simultaneously hurting Pearce made me re-think the idea the whole weekend. I couldn't even do anything, I couldn't concentrate, because not only was it that Pearce was my friend but he was already completely unhealthy for me. It's not every day that an adorable – might I mention, completely different to his title – guy take you home when you are drunk and not do anything to you. He didn't do anything and that made me respect him a lot more than I had wanted to. Believe me, this is not what I wanted, I just needed a dude that showed he cared about me and intimidated Raj (it didn't work, considering what happened last week), I didn't even care if he was hot. It was a random pick but not only was this more drama than I had thought but it was surprising (not to mention he broke my glasses because of all of this insanity).

Pearce was the boy who stole my first kiss (not that I minded), was the boy who was my make belief husband, who helped me cook fake food and took care of my fake baby, he was the one that wiped away the tears that fell when I found out that I'd never see my Dad again and he was the one that was happier than me when he learned that I was his Belle. His almost black eyes twinkled and I swear I could see his eyes turn almost hazel and I couldn't hurt them. I couldn't do that to him. It would hurt too much and I'd lose him.

I cared about him, I knew that and I also knew he made me completely nervous, which was already bad, I was always nervous around him.

NO! Ashley, he's your friend, remember? Obviously, that's what he thinks of you.

I scolded myself. I couldn't dare to like him.

I ignored Pearce's calls the whole weekend. He shouldn't have to deal with the burden of knowing all of this. It would kill him. Plus, he has other things to do, rather than throwing himself into my messed up life. Yes, we were best friends, just because we were doesn't mean that we will always be.

It was awkward, the ride to school since Andie wanted us to go home and come to school together to make us a little real. It was pretty deafening. It was obvious people just thought it was a fling. Like how Pearce works, he goes out with a girl for a few days and then it's the end. To be honest, Pearce was nothing like that, he didn't seem like it at least. He didn't seem like the kind of guy that just plays with you and throws you away. He didn't seem like the kind of guy that had a huge ego or someone who really bragged about themselves, he just seemed like an ordinary boy but with a secret.

I walked into English, knowing full well that he was going to be there. And for, maybe, the second time he was sitting there earlier than me, drumming his fingers on the desk. Usually, he comes in just when the bell rings because he's talking to his boys. Was he waiting for me?

I sat down, pasting a smile on my face. I had dreaded this day since he called me. "So, why so early?"

He grinned. "I thought I could, spend some time with my long lost friend," he nudged me. "By the way, why didn't you pick up my calls?" he raised his brow. He had a smirk on his face that made me bite my bottom lip to keep myself from smiling at him.

I looked at my desk, not meeting eyes with him, fidgeting with the sleeves of my green sweater, and I realized I hadn't answered his question yet. "I . . . was busy," It sounded false in every way. But he just nodded his head. Why was he taking my word for it? Why didn't he question me? Why?!

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