Chapter Twenty Seven: Be Mine?

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A/N: I have to clarify a few things... So I'm going to back and change Crystal's age she's going to be three and a half insead of two. Which means that Pearce's parents have been divorced for almost four years.

And yup :) that's basically it. Th

Any questions? Feel free to ask down below :)

Anyways, hope you guys enjoy. Just thought I'd put it out there :)

Chapter Twenty Seven: Be Mine?


It had been a good two days since I told Pearce everything, but the best thing is he doesn't treat me differently. He's been nothing but sweet which is his usual behaviour.

"Oh come on, he totally has a thing for you," Andie grinned. We were talking at our lockers, about Julio.

"Yeah, right," I laughed. "Whatever, have you heard him talk Spanish?" I asked. "Karmin was telling me you did,"

"Actually, I asked him to say something and damn it was so hot, I like, melted like ice cream,"

I raised my brow, "You better not hurt Tahir," I teased.

"I would never, you know that after the weekend," she grinned, her brown eyes twinkled under the buzzing fluorescent light. She was in love and I swear they better stay together, get married and have babies and then grow old together. I just created their whole life out . . . when did I become like this, the kind that prays about couples. I never cared.

"Don't forget Monday, it's not part of the weekend," I laughed as I watched her face turn red with embarrassment. Awkward. I think I've avoided the topic since Tuesday, 'cause I didn't talk to her on Monday. I realized something. "Aren't you Spanish?" I asked.

"Yeah," she giggled. "But damn the boy's hot, how can you not want him to say something?"

I giggled and agreed with her. He was very attractive, and the hint of his Spanish accent on his English was sure to make people go absolutely crazy.

"What did you make him say?" I asked.

"I asked him to say how he liked it here, and he answered back in Spanish," Andie squealed. "He said he likes it here,"

"And he didn't question you at all, like about your background or whatever?" I raised my eyebrows at her.

"Well, he did but I told him how attractive he was and I wanted to hear him say something in our mother tongue, kill me for wanting to hear his sexy tongue,"

"You are so . . . crazy," I shook my head, laughing at her craziness.

A warm pair of hands made their way around my waist and pulled me into his chest, his scent calmed me down but the butterflies in my stomach didn't stop, while my heart hammered trying to claw its way out of my chest.

"So what were you guys talking about?" He whispered in my ear.

I grinned, feeling a blush creep on my cheeks, as my breath hitched. "No one of your concern,"

"Oh, so, you admit you were talking about someone," he whispered causing me to shiver. Damn, how does he do that to me?

I nodded.


"I just told you, you don't need to worry about it,"

"Are you sure you're not cheating on me?"

I turned around and threw my arms around his neck. "I wouldn't hurt you," I smiled saying it out loud then whispered the next little bit. "But we're not in this for real so . . ." I bit my lips feeling a blush when he cut his eyes at me.

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