Spoken Word Poem:Bully

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Hello,Person who's going to make my life a living hell for the next six years or maybe more

Hello,Person or people who hate my face, looks,cholthes,voice and probably everything about me

Hello,Bully who dedicated each and every single day on making me cry and second guess my every move

Hello,Bullies who make me question my existence and why I'm here and make everyday another challenge

"Why" the question constantly running through my head my mind why do you hate me so much? Is it the way I talk,dress,walk.

What is it!? What makes you out of the 7 billion people in the world take one look at me and think that.I'm beneath you and unworthy of you respect without even trying to get to know me.

My likes
My dislikes
My passions
My dreams
My fears......

Dedicated to MidnightX14 and bully victims know that your now alone❤

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