Been Hurting

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I never thought I'd be here in a million years 

sitting in a plastic chair many before me have sat in

In front of me is a person who claims to know what I'm going through but do they really

Do they have fights with their emotions like I do?

Does their anxiety nag in the back of their head saying you'll never add up? like a little devil on your shoulder slowly draining your self confidence 

Or having depression banging at your door at 3 in the morning bargaining into your house and causing you so much grief for their amusement 

And not leaving for days or weeks only to have anxiety take it's place



foreign words fell from my lips as I mentioned it to my mother 

I'd spent so much time telling myself I'm fine this feeling will pass that I almost how to feel or what to feel was

Going day to day on autopilot

Smiling but it never reaching my eyes

Feeling like I'm drowning but breathing just fine 

So I sit in a plastic chair talking about Past, Present, and possible future events 

Across from the person who claims to understand and actually does 


"You are your best ally and worst enemy" -DW

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