The Poet & The Fool

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The Poet had let her heart be beared strip of it's armor
And bearded naked in front of her fool
He'd make her laugh
All without knowing it he thought he was only a puppet in some game but no for it was the poet who was the puppet
And the fool was the master
He'd swooned her with his charm, tricks and jokes
With each passing day she'd only sink deeper into cupid's sinister plan
Allowing herself to be vulnerable showing her weaker sides and flaws
All for him to see
She'd speak the ancient words of romance in hopes her fool would see her heartstreaken eyes
But all of cupid's arrows failed to let him see
The fool was petrified
Never before had someone loved him pass the mask
Pass the fake plastered smile
Those hallow eyes
So he ran away her love
And left the poet whimpering words of sorrowful heartbreak

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