Chapter 2: 15 September 2192

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Chapter 2: 15 September 2192

"C'mon, man. Why'd ya kill me?" Zade, my brother, asked. "Not my fault you suck at Dark Eyes: The Shadow of Evil. Wanna get lunch?" I asked. "Sure. How about Mickey D's?" Zade asked. "God, no! If we go there, one bite will make us balloons." I answered. "True. I can't believe their still around. I don't know how the government hasn't shut them down yet. So, wanna see what's in the kitchen?" Zade asked. "Sure." I answered. We took off our headsets and put down our laser swords and headed to the kitchen.

I couldn't sleep that night after what Dane told me. I didn't want to go back to Earth. To many memories. I left them there for a reason. I never wanted to see those memories again. But leaving them on Earth didn't do anything.

The next morning, I woke up bright and early. As usual, Dane woke up at, like, noon. He was quieter than usual. Even though he was awake, he still layed in bed. I walked over to him and sat down on the edge of the bed. He looked into my eyes. This time, his eyes weren't dark and cold but gentle and soft. He sat up and said, "You've been my cellmate for as long as I can remember and now, I won't ever see you again." I looked down at the floor and then back at him, "It was just a rumor. It could be someone else." Then, a guard walked to the bars of our cell and said, "Blaze Maddox, I'm sure you've heard. C'mon. Let's go. Say your last goodbyes."

So, it was true. They were sending me to Earth. I put out my hand for Dane to shake but instead, Dane walked up to me and hugged me. I was surprised that he did that. "I know that I was rough on you but I'm sorry." he said. For a minute, I thought that he was crying. He let go and shook my hand. "Good luck. I'll miss ya." Dane said. I gave him a nod and walked out of the cell.

A guard handcuffed me and brought me to the court room. "This man has been charged for many reasons," the judge said, "But we can no longer hold him. Send him to Earth." The judge got his gavel and hit the table that was in front of him. A guard pushed me on the ground and forced me to get up. They lead me outside to where the rockets were kept. One guard picked me up and threw me into a capsule that was in one of the rockets. He shut the door. This was it. The end of me. I heard the engine roar and I took my last breath on Mars.

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