Chapter 11: 16 September 2192

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Chapter 11: 16 September 2192

Maxx gave me the food and I ate all of it. For the rest of the day, he was really quiet. Around four in the afternoon, I got fed up. Usually he is this peppy guy but he wasn't that day. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked. He was sitting on his bed reading a book. He looked up and I could tell that he was scared. I got up from my bed and walked over to him. "Maxx?" I asked in a soft voice. "I'm scared. No, wait, I'm terrified." He was starting to get worked up and he started to breath faster. "Hey, hey," I said as I put my hand on his shoulder, "Calm down. Why are you terrified?" He calmed down a bit and looked me straight into my eyes. "I overheard something that the guards said." he said with a shaky voice. "What was it?" I asked curiously. Maxx was silent for a moment but then spoke. "They said that the Germans and Russians have join forces and are planning an attack on everyone. The guards said that we only have so much time until we have to evacuate." Maxx explained. "Where are we going to evacuate to?" I asked, getting a little bit scared too. "To the only place we can go. Mars."

I opened my eyes very slowly. I was in a familiar place. Gigantic buildings towered over my head. I looked around to find Maxx and Artemis lying on the ground. I crawled slowly over to them trying not to make a sound. Who knows what could have been watching me. I whispered Artemis' name very silently. So silently that I could barely hear it. I touched her hand. It was ice cold. I crawled over to Maxx and whispered his name and touched his hand. It was ice cold also. In the distance, I heard a faint whistling. I dared not to move a muscle. The whistling started to come closer. As the faint sound came closer, I tried to figure out what the tune was. The tune was so familiar but I just couldn't recognize it. "Do you know the song?" said something in my ear. The voice was so indistinct that it was as if the voice was only the wind. I turned to my right, where the voice came from, quickly. Nothing. Nothing for blocks and blocks. I turned back over to Artemis and Maxx but Artemis was gone. I gave up being quiet and yelled, "Who ever is screwing with me, you better show yourself and bring back Artemis!" I waited for a response. A few moments passed but there was no answer except for the wind blowing against me, assuring me that there was no one around for miles. Then, an ear-splitting scream came from behind me. I whipped around to find Artemis running toward me at full speed. She ran into me and I held her. She was out of breath and crying. "Artemis," I said, grabbng her by the shoulders and having her look into my eyes, "What happened?" Artemis broke free from my grasp, "No time to explain. She ran over to Maxx. She grabbed his hand but immediately dropped it to the ground. Artemis turned around and looked at me with a worried look. "I know. His hand is freezing cold but your hand was like that too just a minute ago." I explained. She picked up his hand once again and told me to come over. As I did, she pulled out the Agathon Stone from her pocket. She told me to grab her arm. After I grasped it, she mumbled a few words while gripping the Stone tightly. In the blink of an eye, we were back at the penthouse.

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