Chapter 8: 16 September 2192

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Chapter 8: 16 September 2192

The cops brought me into a cell and sat me down on a cold, hard bed. "We'll investigate your crime and then take you in before the jury. Until then, make friends with him." the cop said. He pointed over to the other bed. The cop looked over at the other officers that were with him and chuckled. "Try not to imitate him. He's innocent and we know it but his cruel father doesn't think so." the cop said a little more seriously. The officers then left me and the boy alone. I got up and walked over to the boy. He was scrunched up in a ball while rocking back and forth on his bed. "Hey, it's okay. Don't worry. You can tell me what happened. I'm Blaze Maddox. What's your name?" I asked him. He looked up and wiped away his tears. "Maxx.," he answered as he sniffed a bit, "Maxx Silver."

Artemis quickly wrapped my hand in the type of cloth that she used for my bear wound. She led me onto the elevator without saying a word. When we got down to the lobby, Artemis said, "We are never going up or down those stairs again; for your sake." She looked down at my hand. "Cool with me." I said, smiling at her. We left the lobby and started to walk down the street. "Are you sure this is the way to the library?" I asked as we walked down a dark alley. "Um,....Yes." she answered with a little bit of uncertainty in her voice. We wandered for about an hour around Ocean City until we stumbled across an old building. Artemis looked around the perimeter of the structure. When she finally came back around, she said, "This is it. C'mon, there's a door in the back." I looked at the front of the building and then back at her, "Why can't we just go in the front?" I questioned. "Okay, Mister Smartass, try and get it open." she answered with attitude. "Fine, Miss, um, Miss....Miss. Attitude! Ha!" I stammered. "You are really bad at comebacks. Aren't you?" Artemis said as she crossed her arms. "What?! I'm awesome at come--" I started to say but then got interrupted. "Just try and open the door." Artemis said impatiently. I slowly walked up the stairs to the front doors. I took the handle and pulled it. It wouldn't budge. I tried again. Nothing. I looked back at Artemis but she wasn't there. "Artemis? Artemis?" I called. Then, something hit me in the back, hard. I turned around to see what it was.

"It was just locked." Artemis said while she stood in the doorway. "I knew that. I just wanted to see if you did." I said while rubbing my back. We walked into the building and closed the door behind us. There were bits of light showing through the boards that covered up the windows "Can you see a computer or anything?" I asked as we spread out. "Nope but keep looking." Artemis answered. I walked a little but I could see nothing that we could use to research the burn on my hand or the Agathon Stone. Then, on the other side of the building, I heard a thump. "Are you okay?" I called out while I walked toward the noise. I found Artemis at the main desk whacking an old computer monitor. She put the monitor down and sighed with defeat. "Holy crap, this is old." I said, picking it up. "I can't figure out how to turn it on because it's that old" Artemis said. I started to inspect it. "How about you hit the 'on' button" I said as I pressed it. The screen popped and let out a spark. Artemis jumped back. The smoke cleared and a picture started to appear on the screen. When the picture became clear, Artemis looked at me and then slowly unwrapped my hand. She then lifted it next to the screen. The burn on my hand and the picture on the monitor were exactly alike. Then, gradually, the image on the screen faded and the whole computer turned off. "Can I help you?" a voice said behind us. Artemis and I both spun around. A boy, about seventeen years old, stood there. He was so skinny that he could have been a twig. He had light brown hair, kind of like Artemis', too. "No, but," I paused. "You look familiar." He looked at me closely and asked, "I recognize you, too." How does he know me?, I thought. "Who are you?" He didn't say anything for a few moments. He looked at Artemis, "You look familiar, too" he said, ignoring my question. "Once again," I began, impatiently, "Who are you?" He looked back me again and answered, "Maxx....Silver."

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