Chapter 3: 15 September 2192

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Chapter 3: 15 September 2192

"Hey, dad." I said as I walked into the kitchen. My dad was sitting at the kitchen table with his head in his hands. "What's wrong?" my sister, Arix, asked my dad as she walked into the kitchen. "Bills, bills, bills and more stupid bills!!!" my dad shouted. He banged his fist on the table. My siblings looked at me and I looked at them. My father had always been a gentle man. Now, he wasn't. "Sorry. It's just a rough time now." my dad said. My mother came running into the kitchen with my baby sister, Zillah, in her arms."What was that?!" she asked suddenly. "Dad turned in to the Hulk for a minute." Zade said in a jokingly way. We all snickered. My dad even laughed too. But, little did I know, he wasn't the man I thought he was.

I slightly opened my eyes. I took a deep breath of cold, bone chilling air. A wave of came over me. A freezing cold wave. I opened eyes just enough to see that I was sitting on a beach along the shoreline. I crossed my arms together to keep in the warmth but that was useless. I got up and looked around. The sky was white like the snow upon the ground. In the distance, I saw some buildings. I need to get to them before I become and ice cube, I thought to myself. I started running so that my blood could circulate and maybe get me warm.

When I reached the buildings, I went into one that looked in good shape. I went to pull the front door open but it was frozen shut. I backed up and kicked the door. "Looks like a couple years in prison can do you some good." I said as the door flew open. I walked in and the door slamed shut behind me. It wasn't much warmer in there than it was outside. I searched and found a flight of stairs that went into the basement. I could feel the air rushing up from there. I quickly ran down the metal stairs. When I got to the floor, I looked around. There was just enough light for me to find the electrical box. I flipped on all of the switches. The box made a weird noise but then sounded normal. I went back upstairs and all of the lights were on. I sighed in relief when I felt the warmth coming from the heaters. I walked up to the front desk. The wall behind the desk had a sign that said " The Captain's Hotel: Ocean City, Maryland" Okay, at least I know where I am, I thought. I reached over the desk and grabbed the penthouse key. I walked over to the elevators and pressed the button. As I waited, I looked around and saw that on the floor behind the desk, a receptionist lie there dead with a pool of blood around her. Tears welled up in my eyes.

When the elevator opened, I jumped back in fear. Blood was spattered on the walls. I knew a family must have been killed in there. A little teddy bear soaked in blood sat in the corner. I slowly walked into the elevator and stood in the middle to avoid the bear and the blood. When the elevator opened, I ran out and kept my back toward the elevator. Those last few minutes in that elevator were the second worst minutes of my life. The second. I walked over to the door of the penthouse. I hoped to God that there were no dead bodies in the room. I held my breath, closed my eyes, and unlocked the door. I flung it open and opened my eyes. I looked around. There. were. no. bodies. Thank, God, I thought as I sat on the bed. All of a sudden, I feel something move under the covers. I jumped up and ran to the kitchen nook. I grabbed the first thing that I could find. A saucepan. As I walked back over to the bed, something hit me hard on the head and I was out cold.

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