Chp 2:Just moments ago...

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Buttercup and Caramella were on their way to school as the other people on the bus started screaming on the bus like wild Hogs. "Heeey BUTTERCUP!" Kylie squealed at Buttercup in somehow an eager tone. "Jesus why do you always have to YELL MY name every time you see me? Its getting creepy." Buttercup never got to get why she does these things. She love him? Hated Buttercup once?

 Soon enough the entire bus went silent with the fact that EVERYONE on the bus was glaring at Kylie and Buttercup. "Buttercup! Come to the front of the bus NOW!" The Bus driver got very furious for an unknown reason. As Buttercup walks up to the front of the bus, everyone stares at him in fear. "Whats the pro-" "WHY DO YOU HAVE FACE PAINT ON?! You know there's NO. FACE PAINT. ALLOWED!" Buttercup seemed confused on what he meant. "Sir i didn't put on Fa- WHAT THE?!" SLAMMING to the cold bus floor, Buttercup filled with fear, people started to laugh like a title wave.

"Alright you big Sippy cup, were here. Now SCRAM!" The bus driver furiously and embarrassed throws Buttercup off the curb of the High school. "*Sigh* Juts ANOTHER MISERABLE day at school! Just FABULOUS!" Buttercup smirk's under his breath. Soon enough, being the last person off the bus, Caramella joins Buttercup to walk to class. "Soooo.. Do you LIKE anyone Butter?" "HELL NO! First off Kylie's the WORST, and every girl in the high school is ALWAYS SASSY AS SHIT!" 

"Well if we don't hurry, were gonna be late for math! So PICK UP THE PASE, BUTTER!" Caramella Sprints like her life depends on it towards the front door to the High School. "Hey no FAIR!" Buttercup Runs like if he was in a marathon to the door along with Caramella. As the door slams, Little did Buttercup know, His nightmare overcame him.

Outside the door was blood-curled Screams of all the nightmares Buttercup had. But it wasn't over...yet.

Scary Future for Both of us~A Cuphead O.C. Story!Where stories live. Discover now